Friday, June 03, 2016

blessings v 1

I often think of it no matter how much or however I try to distract myself (such as painting doors and cabinets then leaving them open to dry then walking right into one and splitting my forehead open like an egg - sigh - as if I needed more to make me look like a battered woman, oye).  I think of the way he stabbed me in the back while holding me close and looking into my eyes.  Like Ramsay on Game of Thrones or some shit. 

But there is not something wrong with with life, in general.  If I had any doubt about that, God would be sending me plenty of tangible proofs lately, kindnesses wrapping around me. 

I heard on the radio this morning that Ramadan is starting, and that it's a big deal during this time to speak no ill of other human beings.  When I heard that, I decided to say no more about Trainwreck.  To wash reference to him out of my use of words, like a fast. And to pray that unlike the Ramadan the giving up of that might never end.

Instead, I will count blessings.

(I love the trailercabin, metaphor for decent unassuming haven want of)