Sunday, July 30, 2017

I remember when I played music a lot. Ya grow out of soundtracking your life after a while. I did anyway. Whenever I hear this cheesy song, I remember exactly where I was and what was going on and how I felt when I first heard it. A childhood memory kinda. (Thank god it wasn't 'Your body is a wonderland')

Karaoke version (an excerpt). Don't judge, it grows on ya.
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my gma's squash blossom, mine now

Saturday, July 29, 2017

speaking of magic

VIRGO You'll be asked crazy questions and presented with people's problems as if you were some kind of magic fairy whose job it is to make everyone happy. That's leadership for you!

Uh huh.

Premise: People are lazy a LOT (and tired and discouraged and lame). They want what is easy to get immediately. The less challenging and cheaper the better.  In everything from little stuff like what they are eating for lunch to big ticket items like their work and lovers, they go for whatever happens to be at hand. So. In a world wherein many people can't hold a damn thought, of course it is powerful to hold an intention, and the people who can do so have magic. This American Life - "To Be Real" (armscrossy)

Friday, July 28, 2017

VIRGO You want one thing and you need another. You know a lot about the former and very little about the latter. When a need is filled that you didn't even know you had ... that's magic.

I need to want (for) nothing.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Mapping Transcendentalism to superheroes, it is wild how that is catching on like a wee curriculum fire. The class itself now includes faculty taking the frigging thing plus a waitlist as of this morning. Everyone wants to get out their childhood collection of whatever or brand their own meme T-shirt. And it isn't even a full idea, it's just, 'Ever feel like a secret midcareer moody superhero named, o, something like Vindictive or?' - you ask nearly anyone that and they are like o hell yes then get all happy just to put a name to it. It is the damnest thing. Funny Fuck It versus Status Crapquo. Finally, after struggling to understand the mojo of superheroism for over a decade, like a loop that goes back to Fuck It stronger and stronger, until I can no longer deny what I really am..

Nuts. That is my superpower.

Monday, July 24, 2017

"When I was little, I wanted to be three things: a cowboy, an artist, and the Incredible Hulk. The funny thing is that all three wishes came true.  I love my horse, I'm a writer, and I have more in common with Bruce Banner's dangerous side than I'd like to admit.  What I wanted so much as a child were power and invincibility, but what I actually found was a hidden core of indestructible rage that made me a better artist, person, and mother." ~Delilah S. Dawson, On the Hulk: You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry

I had a little dark moon party over the weekend (pitch sky makes for great yard fires). Vindictive's coming out party of sorts. I made my famous scrumptious pepper dip and poured wine and we built a backyard fire on homemade firestarters. I am still pooped.

The secret superhero identity idea is a strong one, it clearly resonates. One of the librarians admitted that his office chair in the cataloging bowels of the building wears a Batman cape. One of the bio teachers has an alter ego named Supressed who is polite to idiots but who can make your dogs like her better than they like you. Etc. Since most of the people I know are teachers too or work as teaching supporting staff, all this summer thought play is work for me kinda. Come fall, my class on Emerson will have a new unit on DIY superheroes - what could be more Self-Reliant than that?

VIRGO Beauty and pain are often linked. Every rose has its thorns. A good florist will handle the danger. And when there's no one to take away the prickly truth of the matter, go on and assume the role of protector.
 More thunder is rolling in on a darkening afternoon. I got home from work just ahead of the sky cracking apart. Good weather for a nap.

Friday, July 21, 2017

"I'll take Batman.  Golden age Batman or campy Silver Age or grim Batman or the aging Dark Knight of even Batman 2099.  I'll take whoever chooses to answer the Bat-Signal on a given rainy night. I'll take him for all sorts of reasons.  Because he's a weird superhero.  No powers, just his self-discipline and talent and personal hang-ups. Part vicious vigilante, part neurotic warrior saint.  With his private cult of unrelenting mourning, he's the costumed patron of the walking wounded, of simply Not Letting It Go." ~ Austin Grossman, Me and Batman and You, from Last Night a Superhero Saved My Life.

It's a collection of essays not really about the superheroes exactly, but about each famous author's relationship to the preferred hero of their childhood. Why that one?

And what of my heroes? They aren't in the book. I liked Wonder Woman well enough, and did see her film on opening night, but meh. Nothing bad ever happened to her (celibacy is a huge drag but doesn't count as trauma) - daddy issues got added to her plate in this version, that helped a little, but still. I like Storm, throwing thunder like bowling balls in the strike zone. I hated Lois Lane even though she was a writer -  always needing saved and too stupid to see Clark for what he was, dumb bitch..

VIRGO  Your circumstances are where you are, not who you are. Some environments are harder to escape than others. Today you'll have to wriggle and fight to unclench the talons that hold you in a place.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Remember when love had you riding on unicorns? Now when you look down, it's a horse. No, wait — it's a bike. No, wait — you're not riding anything. You're just standing there, going nowhere. No one is to blame for this. It's the natural progression of relationships. Mars enters Leo, infusing our passions with the creativity needed to get back to the magic.
Queen of Cups (reversed)

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

VIRGO The passive approach would work if you were on a raft floating down a river with its own agenda. But you're not. You're standing on the path that splits into many possible directions, and you have to decide which way to walk. (Ya mean stomp?)

I had a dream that I was throwing knives. I woke up and thought: YES. I googled it. Knife throwing falls into the same category as competitive hot yoga, the difficult and pissed off end of concentration martial arts. I started trying to find lessons locally.

I haven't yet. But what I did find is a place that will organize an axe throwing party for you (with beer). They bill it as a bonding team building thing.

So I sent out a 'would you be interested?' text to all my faculty and friends at work. And 2 funny things:

1. Within minutes, EVERYONE had responded that omg they would like nothing better, especially while drinking beer, to let fly their F-U.

2. They all said something like, This is why we love you, you are a great hater (you are Vindictive)!

I thought I was keeping that kinda well hidden (?), telling jokes all the time, but no, my known quantity is furious. And I thought I would stay quiet on the social down low until I felt all peacenik sweet again. But all the good people I know, they'd all like to hurl a hatchett too, they just don't walk around feeling it all the time.

Soooo, (out)rage(d) is the new nice (?)

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The trine of loving Venus and lucky Jupiter invites us to be happy first and let the circumstances catch up to us to support the feeling — or not. Your approach is simple: They treat you well; you'll treat them even better, and this will start a snowball effect of positivity.

That is precisely my approach. Even better better - if you've never had my treating you well treatment, you haven't lived.

I have completely neglected the reverse, however. So. New rule of thumb. Treat me poorly, and I will treat you in kind plus one, an experience you will also not soon shake off. And in this way, perhaps, I will start a snowball effect of watch yourself.

Think of a new X-men character called Vindictive. More than sweet to the good guys, she is the one you call when you're in need of being treated so well that it feels like a balm lightly scratched into the back of each one of your blood cells, wonderfuull washed over and through you. But betray or mistreat or malign or undervalue her, then the balm will be replaced with karmic salt and applied with equal thorough care. The blistering of regret slow and steady and unstoppable. Wouldn't you root for her? I would.

Janis -Ball and Chain 
(turn it up)

Monday, July 17, 2017

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on the waterfront

The Greek poet Hesiod said, "It will not always be summer; build barns." Try to store some emotional warmth up today. Capture it in a pic. Jot a note. Make a list of the things you can do to keep your energy, creativity and playfulness alive when things change, as they inevitably will as Venus squares Neptune and Mars squares Uranus.

Thunder is roaring down the gorge right now. I looove that booming. But the poor dogs are losing their shit. Begging me, as if I summon and control dooms.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Says every woman, sooner or later, seems like :/
VIRGO The same people who bring out the best in you also bring out the stress in you. The grace of the day is that those two things won't happen at the same time. If you keep on the sunny side, so will those around you.

Deeeep breath in....exhaaaaale.....

When Ears was very little, when he would get sick like with a cold or flu, always his body would expell pure fire. The poor little guy's ass would blister from acid shits; his brow and armpits, wherever sweat pools, would blister too. Of all the things I regret, letting him attach his heart to Trainwreck, that is right up there. Regret blisters me where it pools.

He was beautiful, Trainwreck was. Women flutter around him like moths to well-wrought imitation flames. And, he seemed good with kids. Mine loved him.

If you stand back from your romantic partners in retrospect, how much in them do you admire? Respect? Would you emulate? In how they treated you, as a friend or lover, or in any other way toward anyone or anything?

Note to self: assholes are not the same as penises, so don't get wet for them.

A friend of mine recently told me that I was vindictive. It really bothered me, thinking of myself that way, and after all the peacenik yoga shit. What did he know of wronged, anyway? But. He knows enough. And he was, is, right. I work hard, I build this life, I stomp through the halls of it, I never make promises or oaths of allegiance lightly. And the whole time, my idling state now is fuckitfuckitfuckfuckitfuckit like a small outboard boat motor in need of a tune-up it isn't going to get.

"Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you. And fuck you." ~You Don't Have To Say You Love Me, Sherman Alexie

The Whites - Keep on the Sunny Side (Charlie Chaplin)

Saturday, July 15, 2017

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ain't afraid of no tom cat fill my brains with poison lalala

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Cowper's fluid

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

"What good is a menage a trois when you have a soulmate? "


Just goes to show, if it can happen to least J doesn't spin it like some unfulfilled personal demon driven to it crappola.

Saturday, July 08, 2017

VIRGO Time is supposed to prevent everything from happening at once, and yet it may fall down on the job, at least in your case. Your popularity surges — a hard thing to keep up with.

Remember the day I went looking for a not-Shitty P with Sunshine?

I never did find a frog after the turtle found me. But being stubborn as hell about it, I went hiking through area wetlands the next few days like perusing frog tinder whatever. Finally, in a shallow puddle drying out in the blazing sun, I spotted a half-frogged tadpole, muscular short legs, and I nabbed him. I was like, 'Dude, life is an iffy proposition.' Odds were not on him. But.
Look who showed up fine finally. Wary. And does not like photo shoots at all. I am taking adjective suggestions for his name ('not-Shitty' is not a word and sets the bar too low besides).

Monday, July 03, 2017

Sunday, July 02, 2017

VIRGO Who tends to you when you're feeling fragile? It's that person you want to reach out to you today, because it very well may be that the two of you are on a teeter-totter. When one needs help, the other is strong.