Sunday, April 02, 2006

i give up


god damn it shit stupid god damn o great just great the leg came the god damn hell off ok ok just don’t talk to me right now for a second shiiiit (giggle giggle) stop go watch tv just stop give me a second OW! haha the damn thing bit me it won't go the hell back on god damn it ok just wait (giggle transformers make you swear a lot) (she didn't say the f word yet) (almost) how do you almost say the f word? shit let me get the stupid pliers (you almost say it all the time) (and she says it all the time) (they swear in the transformer theme song, TWO TIMES) well maybe that's why they make me swear so much then -- here, and don't transform it again (but but) transformation is overrated trust me (can I someday?) yes someday is a perfect time to transform (a week?) sigh ok a week let's watch the movie so I can listen to the swear words [yup, they say "shit" in the transformers movie theme song]

"crosswise" - whoever invented transformers should be shot dead in the street

g2 theme - Paul Oakenfold produced this, almost as big of a shock as Orson Welles playing Unicron. Still, since I knew who both those men were already, and knew how to swear, I can't see as I'm getting much out of this. Back to straightfoward action figures.

bonus track- Even Better Than the Real Thing (U2), the first significant Oakenfold production of many.