Friday, August 31, 2018

fairly accurate, especially the faults

TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (Aug. 31). You place yourself in service to humanity. "Humanity" is not always an easy customer, and the obstacles that ensue will contribute to your spiritual might. Truly, you gain the most from your own selflessness. You'll bank on it in October, and there's another windfall in December. Travel and romance come in mid-2019. Gemini and Pisces adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 8, 40, 1, 22 and 15.

The guys in the department have started calling me Mother of Humanities. Ya know, like that makes them dragons?

If romance finds me it will have to include travel, logically.

m o h

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Wow am I busy. I am almost too distracted to be hormonal. But I am stocking up on stockings like a maniac squirrel hoarding panties instead of necessities in the middle of the night as I try to get my mind off work, so yea. (In my defense, they're way more comfy than pantyhose.)

I really need to put my private life on my to-do list. But I suck at personal lifing :(

Thought just occured to me: "I will try not to suck too much" in a romantic context is a hilarious thing to say. Like, if some guy said that about himself to me as a sales pitch, I'd laugh and probably be smitten, but coming from a woman it'd be way funnier! Right? (Or no?)

Monday, August 27, 2018

a little help from my friends (repost) 
vaca at an all inclusive resort typa cover

Saturday, August 25, 2018

lets go everywhere - modeski etc binge watching EastBound And Down, season 2 soundtrack
bonus track: heard it thru the grapevine - the slits

Weekend love horoscope VIRGO: The other person wants love and companionship as much as you do, but has a funny way of showing it.

the district sleeps alone tonight (repost)

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

So if I have kids and yoga pants, and you text me when you're drinkin, we add up to virtue (?)

That sign is around the corner from my house at a mechanic's. They change it every few weeks just for shits and giggles. I love stuff like that.

Monday, August 20, 2018

wake me up - avicii

My mother on vaca in Ireland with my sister. The unerring instict for inapprops humor is genetic in me, my normal, as constant as my blackbrown eyes. I am grateful for that.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Avengers 2. Love this plotline: superhero comes through in the clutch for his "longterm bootyhookup" who's got daddy issues 🖒

no place like you - maddie and tae

Friday, August 17, 2018

do right all night man - aretha, my teenaged ft single mother spirit animal

"The light of wisdom cannot get into a heart that's never been broken. The cracks are what make illumination possible."

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

VIRGO. You make a promise, and then you keep it. So why shouldn't you expect the same from others? Relatedly, if you don't think a person will come through for you, don't ask them to.

Wouldn't dream of it anymore.

heard a lot of tragically hip on the radio today, a merely random occurance but still nice - this repost

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

feist - century
I never imagined I would be chair of a humanities department. I never imagined I would be any of the things I am, for both better and worse.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

buckskin stallion blues - amy annelle

In her poem "Dogfish," Virgo poet Mary Oliver writes, "I wanted the past to go away, I wanted to leave it." Why? Because she wanted her life "to open like a hinge, like a wing." I'm happy to tell you, Virgo, that you now have more power than usual to make your past go away. I'm also pleased to speculate that as you perform this service for yourself, you'll be skillful enough to preserve the parts of your past that inspire you, even as you shrink and neutralize memories that drain you. In response to this good work, I bet your life will open like a hinge, like a wing -- no later than your birthday, and most likely before that. 

Wednesday, August 08, 2018

miss me