Saturday, May 31, 2008

Get up and straighten your living space then practice yoga for two hours until the clothes you are wearing have no dry spots left then you’re done. If you are sick, you will smell it in your hair after exertion - it's important to know how you smell. Drink a lot of water, then a cup of hot sweet tea.

Take 2 lamb shanks (these are ankles basically, mini legs of lamb on a budget) and stuff them with garlic cloves in slits you cut into the meat. Soak saffron threads in a tablespoon of boiling water. Mix the saffron and its water with lemon juice and olive oil and fresh oregano. Pour that over the lamb and let it marinade for a couple of hours, or all afternoon while you sit at Spot and read and write.

Cut potatoes in thick slices and onions in thick slices and cover the bottom of a casserole dish (preferably clay) that you’ve rubbed down in olive oil. Put the lamb on top of that. Pour the marinade over the whole thing. Add coarse salt and ground pepper, plenty of both. Bake covered at 325 until the meat comes off the bone, 2-3 hours.

Turn off the heat and let it sit in the oven while you braise baby green beans with a teaspoon of fat/butter until they’re hot but still very crunchy. (I made yellow rice too, to mix w the other carbs for another layer of flavor and better color balance of the meal - this is overdoing it, but overdoing it is how I roll.)

Put the beans on a plate, add one shank and a bunch of the onion-potato/carb base. Drizzle the whole thing w the marinade from under the lamb in the casserole dish and add a sprig of fresh dill for a smell-garnish. Serve with a glass of good oaky chardonnay, slightly chilled.

Being able to cook is a blessing. Being able is a blessing. Count your blessings. Make another plate as an offering. Put a bowl of chocolate ice cream next to it. Pray to the spirits that protect you. Listen to their answer. Listen to thunder roll in again. Open the windows. Eat your dinner.
The Bird and The Bee - How Deep Is Your Love [a couple microns? a metaphysical kilometer? what?]
booka shade - karma car

Friday, May 30, 2008

(virgo =) disgruntled girlscout

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

for Virgo today: Matters of the heart are likely to dominate the day today, with you needing to be perhaps a little less passive and a little less unreceptive to what the day has to offer. Be proactive: draw attention to your good points, especially if you want someone to sit up and take notice of you!

[good point:I'm not retarded.]

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

In case anyone wants to plan ahead, this coming Friday is Hug Your Cat day. If you have a cat, that is. And if she apparenlty wants you to hug her - though the signs of that can be tricky, as you need to know the "hug me" kind of hissing at you from the "fuck off" kind of hissing at you.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Prideful wrath is a bulletproof vest made of paper mache, something to soak up the blood like a wad on a shaving-nick of cartoon proportions. I knew/know that, of course, even while I was wantonly running over 2 extension cords w the electric lawn mower that chewed them to tatters, thinkin “Fuck off stupid extension cords!”
The yard looks great. [Except for the dog shit.]

Sunday, May 25, 2008

After much flight delay, Dan finally made it home early this afternoon. And it’s been deathly quiet here ever since. It is true that when the boys aren’t here, sometimes I am so quiet that I fade and might startle my floating spirit if too hard a thought bangs against the inside of my skull. It is a kind of meditation, and I am careful around myself in it, walking on bare feet. I’m not spying on them, I’m spying on me, but I can’t help but hear a pin drop (or not).

For days, OJ and I have hung out together nearly non-stop. Around OJ, I become full of certainties that I have to continually ameliorate. This morning we went antiquing and I was still in a serially foul mood and she talked of her mother’s unhappy marriage and as she often does she compared me to her mother as what her mother should have been (aka 'I wanna grow up to be like you' typa deal) if only she’d have had . . . Pride? Wrath? Yes yes. Uh huh, I say, “If your uneducated mother had left your asshole father, she'd have had to move in alone with herself and 3 pain in the ass pubescent daughters to bitch and moan at her about how she’d upset their lives (selfishly) (God forbid), while she’d have faded in loveless valueless single motherhood and poverty alone and cold and you’d be sitting here right now still condemning her either way from your entitled-to-be-happiness.” Like that. I soften it right after, it is good to realize you’ve a right to be happy at 23 not 35 after all. And truly her mother was/is a ninny. Who in their right mind would let a 22 year old get married without questioning her about anything except her taste in wedding cakes? G. knows if she tried to pull that, she’d have to go to Las Vegas and not tell me until her thirtieth birthday.

OJ is a twin (and a Gemini to boot). Her twin sister had complications at birth that resulted in disability - she can’t feel her legs entirely and needs to self-catheterize in order to empty her bladder. OJ won track and field awards all through high school. The more she is tied to something like (who likes) herself, the more strenuously she balks. If anything, Dan’s willingness to conform to the shape of her wishes has made it clear what her problem is. She can’t help but grow perverse in her demands (that he get offa her), he in turn becoming more passive (aggressive) - an escalating cycle of violence. The probing questions I’ve asked her in the last week, and suspicion of the answers to the point of assholic at times, have stuck her to me like a glued shadow, clearly needing someone to mistrust her mind instead of mirroring it. I haven’t understood why I’ve needed to investigate the subject of Dan, repeatedly, but I’ve figured it didn’t matter what my motives are/were bc she wants/needs the questions anyway.

When I heard the front door clump and knew he’d arrived, I took a long self-defensive nap immediately. I woke up and laid here and faded until I could quietly spy on my mind. Dan didn’t do anything ‘wrong’. There is no mistake he made, no lapse in fidelity of any actual or emotional kind. There is nothing for him to regret, is what I’m saying. No mistake he won’t make the next time, no part of himself that he can blame and then reshape. It’s who he is that keeps him from being able to be with the person he loves. So there’s nothing to do but regret himself. (= 1+1=2)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

update: I am proud of 39th place. I was thinking about it today, and was thinking that the world is a deadly place so it's logical sometimes to need deadly sins to brave it. pride and then wrath, those are mine. gluttony on a very good day. but today it was pride and then wrath.

Flyin by Regina Spektor

"Hey. How's it going?"

Friday, May 23, 2008

We’ve started going on dates. A movie, and out to eat. Garangelo’s is the favorite spot, homemade pasta and meatballs and red wine sold by the glass poured out of gallon jugs. Today it was Indiana Jones. Truth be told, Iron Man was a way better flick, but Indiana Jones is Indiana Jones. I had lots of crushes on girly looking "rock stars", but Harrison Ford was my first man-crush. The nicks in his face made me crazy. I could smell the leather of that whip and the sweat in his hat, I swear to God. The plot is absurd and often pointless in this new one, but who cares?! He is Fuckable Royalty. I say this, in not so many words, as we’re walking into the theater. TJ’s eyes go wide, “You had a crush on Indiana Jones?! He’s OLD.” Not that old, I say. Not TOO old, correcting myself. Not at all. Unexpectedly, these dates make me weepy for my grandpa for the first time since he died. Our Saturday dates, when I was a little girl, to get a toy and then an ICEE at K-mart. He seemed so indestructible, loud hard jovial rock. Right up to the end, he was careful of his person, i.e. vain – he shaved every day, combed his still-thick hair back, put on a nice shirt. He always was like that (and a flirt), but as he aged he was religious about it - it was what he did in the face of mortality, he never let anything make him look shitty. So there.

Now that I’m repeating the kid-date tradition, giving myself a special-treat status for the boys once a week or so, I get dolled up a little, like if FPH was coming, and I get out a hundred dollar bill just to break it on them, impressive like. Then I nibble olives and drink a glass of wine, while they cover their entire heads with meat sauce seems like, and interrupt each other tumbling all their thoughts out at me, um um um. I wonder if then, like I do now, my grandfather felt waves of sadness in my happiness for how fleeting everything is. Sometimes it is as if he’s right there sitting next to me invisible saying “Aren’t they somethin!” the same way he always said it. Loud and laughing. “Aren’t you somethin!”, he’d say.

Aren’t I somethin?
Harlan Bobo – I’m Your Man [repost]
stars of the lid - a meaningful moment through a meaning(less) process [from my tantric sex collection]
The Raider's March - John Williams and the Boston Pops [new addition to my tantric sex collection, though it might make me giggle. Because then again giggling might be good if you could sure use a giggle, ya know?]
for Virgo today: Whether you're single or you've been involved with someone for decades, now is a good time to ramp up the romance in your life. Your good energy is irresistible to the right person, so say something!

[Like what?]

Thursday, May 22, 2008

"More than likely, there will be enough testicular tissue left to make good teaser bulls. However, since the sperm must exist at the bottom of the testis, any frozen testicles are pretty much irreplaceable." --from Beeftalk: Cold and Wind Can Neuter Bulls
[fyi - puts a new spin on all those kids at soccer practice in the park, freezin their balls off . . . ]
I'm so fucking cold I can barely move. Under 3 comforters, surfing summerporn (is the new landporn). Cz all those schmucks who bought those mcmansions they can't afford also bought stuff like boats and cabins with home equity they didn't have. That little baby is a few minutes from the Allegany State Park. If only I had a riding lawn mower (and more-than-virtual friends), the fantasy would be complete.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

little guilty pleasures (v.1)-["What's the cosa nostra element?"]

I like reading Esquire in waiting rooms (and ripping bits out):
"That's what I was talkin' about with Susan [wife] last night, and we just wound up having one of those talks where we talked about what we're scared of, about how we're really feeling, about every little fuckin' thing where we felt we weren't listening to each other--and we're just fuckin' weeping together outta left field because we hadn't had enough contact. Contact isn't 'I fuckin' see you in the morning and at night and we talk during the day.' That's just fucking proximity. What's the Cosa Nostra element? What do we share that you can't get from anyone else but me? And to be that vulnerable, for her to say, 'Nobody sees me like this,' and for me to admit, not 'I wouldn't be okay without you,' --that's huge.
"And the funny thing was--seconds and inches, dude--I swear to God, we woke up this morning, and again she was the hottest fuckin' chick I ever saw. It was just like the first time I took her hand in the cigar bar in Montreal, 'cuz she had a headache, and I had to get my hands on her anyway, and I was like squeezing her between the thumb and the forefinger, goin' like, Man, she's got really long hands for a girl who's not very tall--it reminds me of an Egyptian cartouche. Guys say, 'Did she really like me?' but I'm thinkin' about the fuckin' hand-to-arm ratio--wow."
"Dude, I don't mean to be too basal, but I always think about, maybe it'll make my dick seem bigger if they have little hands and they're wrappin' 'em around, but I might also feel like I'm gettin' a hand job from a fuckin' mouse, which, worse things could happen, but I'd rather get a hand job from a squid than a mouse. Which is the essence of what I'm trying to say today."
--from "May God Bless and Keep Robert Downey Jr." (interviewee speaking)

robert downey jr. is the new jessica alba

[bonus: the sex advice section - the only upside to spending all day yesterday in a Dodge dealership service area with CNN blaring and two sets of very pissy old people tsk tsking the entire time about what the world is coming to, then going quiet when Ted Kennedy's brain tumor came to the rescue to shut them up]

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A couple of years ago, my inner 3-yr-old and I watched out the window as 4000 trees lost all their branches, one onto my minivan, under pounds of falling ice. Last night it got down into the low 30’s, the apple blossoms getting blighted. I’m half expecting the first tornado in 60? yrs to touch down by Friday, while an undersized little girl hugs her scabby knees to her chest in the cold of my head, wa-wa-ing that nobody loves her. I hope she doesn’t eat (all the Earth’s) worms.

Meanwhile, I’ve been making out with my house. I repainted the dining room, which is now “Spring Whisper” with bright white trim, and the once-black room (a clear feng shui problem [duh]) is now “Leather Clogs”, a nice sturdy golden brown with some funky 70’s drapes that I inherited from OJ as she divests her apartment of all traces of Dan (who is due home Saturday, btw). Then I braved the freezing rain to fill rooms with flowers. I looooove lilacs. The old-fashioned blue ones, the deep purples. And a big bunch of yellow tulips in the kitchen. I sent in my registration for the garden show after the community association taped a 3rd invitation to my door. My blurb reads, “You’ll be semi-welcome here.” I figure that’s fair.

And I went to M’s to drink wine as her Romanian moved in, which was good. Good gossip: one of my other co-workers (the one who spoke French at FPH for a whole semester, mistaking the nature of his furry ethnicity) gets stock portfolios emailed to her before she goes on a first date. The Romanian says to this story, “Honeywell!? Go fuck yourself!” and I laughed my head off. Then we went to a retirement party for a woman I’ve worked with for forever, who (as far as I knew) had been married twice and had two kids (one from each). But, lo, turns out she’s been married 6 times and is now retiring to marry again and move away with her new husband. Two marriages is embarrassing, but 6 is performance art, no? I ate chicken wings with her and Dicknun, thinking “Welp, at least this is completely weird, that counts for something.”

Neil Diamond has a new cd out. I like “No Words”

Monday, May 19, 2008

Sunday, May 18, 2008

X has the boys til tomorrow cz of some holiday - I’m mulling around in the extra silence. It’s relentlessly cold here, which traps me inside, puttering and pondering . . .

If you think highly of someone and they in turn tell you [implicitly or explicitly] that you're valueless, you feel like they’re right instinctively. [1+1=2] All things considered, it’s no wonder I don’t think highly of many people. [I hate math.]

A house is not a lover man. For instance, if you’re really into a house, you're thinking about it all the time and its quaint peculiarities and you picture yourself with the house wrapped around you, wandering from room to room within it, feeling safe with it and adding beauty to it - this is a very pleasurable mindset. But when I didn’t get that house in Whiteyton, I felt fine about it, I felt happy to be able to continue making out with other houses, I felt like all the potential problems of that house (radon termites whatever) were going to be some other woman’s problems, and I felt free to spend my stimulus package on the spiffy little laptop I‘m typing on right now.

That was Thought One and Thought Two for today, I guess.

First post from Spiffy playlist:
Earlimart :: "Happy" Alone [runner up]
Stars - Sleep tonight (Junior Boys remix) [I wish]
Bettye Swann - These Arms Are Mine [my pick]
Patterson Hood :: Heavy And Hanging ['where'd I put my ski mask?' lala]
Mark Kozelek :: Up To My Neck In You

last post from Slick playlist:

Lali Puna - Don't Think (hypem link)

War with Eric Burden - Spill That Wine

bonus (sorta) - Revolting Cocks - Do Ya Think I'm Sexy? (Rod Stewart cover)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Friday, May 16, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sunday, May 11, 2008

happy mother's day to me

I love lists
first, two words:

Compassion: often understood as niceness and as charitable, but the yoga version of the word is more like “empathy exercises” that are for your own benefit to increase your ability to understand other people and thus to understand (and care for) the world.

Valueability: I made this one up. It means desirability but not only in the erotic way. It means desirable-altogether (or not). It means the degree to which you would invest another person with value in your eyes, in your mind, in your heart, in your blood, in your life. There is probably a Greek word for this, but I don’t know it.


I have always been flawed in the desirability department. It might be said of me, for instance, “He met a nice woman BUT she has a kid.” And friends have drifted away as well, finding me over-burdened and thus “too heavy” in myself and in the ways that my experiences have shaped my mind. Though it's kind of a drag, there are upsides (aside from the obvious value of children in themselves). Placing all your value in desirability is a dangerous addiction, I think. If that’s all you’ve got, well then you can be worthless in your own estimation at a single stroke of someone else, which will almost inevitably come no matter how “flawless” you are, by the simple passage of time and/or an economic downturn and/or anything that leaves you harmed/odd . . . I learned the limits of desirability early bc I was always a “scratch-and-dent”. It is as if I was never even allowed to APPLY for the Pom Pom squad of my culture, so I could never be on its “side”.

the desirability code:if you didn't laugh, you'd blow your head off

I spent the weekend with my grown daughter and her father and her boyfriend. I wound up spending much of that time talking to Mark, actually. It is impossible for me not to compare us to the OJ/Dan situation, because Mark and I too married with the divorce already in progress. By the time I was OJ’s age (23), Mark and I had been together apx 6 years and had not betrayed each other once and never did. I’m not romanticizing – I remember screaming at him, “YOU ARE SUCH A FUCKING IDIOT WERE YOU ALWAYS THIS MUCH OF A FUCKING IDIOT (?) I MUST BE A FUCKING IDIOT FOR EVEN BEING HERE SCREAMING AT YOU!”, so loud that I lost my voice. And it was mostly like that. But I also remember when I finally broke from him and that place, I called his mother crying in pain making her promise to make sure he got a puppy so he wouldn’t be alone that winter. It is a value, is what I’m saying, that we did not maul each other gratuitously in the split because that means now it is possible that in each other we can sometimes have a person whom we’ve known for half our lives, someone who is “like family”. And from him I got a conversation about empathy, which I needed to help me sort out my troubled thoughts:

Every single person is 100% sympathetic. Meaning, if you really completely understood a person, you would empathize with him/her. But only God can be empathetic enough – that’s why He can love child molesters and we can’t. In an everyday way, people do their best trying to understand those with whom they have intimate relationships, ie friends, lovers, family members. But empathy sometimes fails, and sometimes maybe that is necessary.

I’ll give you an example: A white person and a black person become intimates of whatever kind for whatever reason. The white person was raised in a racist society (obviously) and may even come from Alabama and a Baptist family whatever besides. In that case, the black guy could empathize with the white guy’s racism, could understand that it was written into his brain when he was defenseless, that the white guy might struggle with visceral fear or disgust towards black people, and may even feel those things sometimes for his own friend. The black guy could empathize, but he couldn’t follow his friend into those feelings. Practically speaking, the black guy cannot feel as his friend does without hating himself.

Last week was quietly awful. Among other things, it became clear to me that my friendship with OJ might not survive her divorce. I understand how much erotic desirability is power in this culture. I understand that a woman married young is seen as lacking intelligence, imagination and sexual courage. I understand that to her I am something like a cautionary tale for how she might have ended up with a kid even (!), like bruised fruit. I empathize, but I can’t follow her there. And maybe she can’t follow me either into my fear of the value system in which progressive politics are like carbon credits that you use to buy moral superiority even if you act like an asshole interpersonally.

live it up! be an asshole!

Welp, maybe the people who will have stayed close to me in whatever capacity will be few, but they are going to have always been more compassionate than the average since my desirability is culturally questionable, leaving valueability as the only logical measure. (And that means you can work on your compassion just by hanging out with me too [you’re welcome. lol]) playlist:

Velvet Revolver – Used To Love Her – Mark raved about seeing this band. I glazed over, remembering only the name and not the music in all honesty . . . for the life me, I cannot imagine a mosh pit with this song as the soundtrack. In fact, who am I kidding?, I can’t imagine a mosh pit at all.

Krishna Das – Devi Rave, Pilgram Heart – This comes from Roberto, my yoga master, who looked into my face and suggested that chasing Zen like a cheetah after an antelope might be counter-productive at times.

Medeski, Martin & Wood – Where’s the Music, one of G.’s faves – It is a strange pleasure taking hospitality from your child for the first time, in her own first real apartment, eating on her dishes, sleeping on her pillows. It adds a new dimension to the phrase “making friends”. She’s a keeper.

This is what I liked best from what was on the radio on the road. It definitely struck a chord: Langhorne Slim – Diamonds and Gold

Lastly, The Cure - The Lovecats, for FPH cz he likes The Cure and I like the song title. (a peace offering)

Friday, May 09, 2008

rose cousins - one love
"Hold You in My Arms," Ray Lamontagne
devendra banhart - now that I know

Thursday, May 08, 2008

I want a back scratch across the shoulders pretty, up the nape of my neck to the scruff curls where it hurts where someone grabbed and shook me lonesome.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

defense mechanisms: why condoms shouldn't fit over your head

Hawksley Workman - Don't Be Crushed
Quix*O*Tic - Tell It Like It Is
Abbie Gardner - Hit the Road (long version)
The Human Soundtrack - Babies Are The New Pursedogs
man man - I'd Rather Go Blind

Monday, May 05, 2008


snake handling,
twisting around in sack cloth dresses
that might be sexy
when fear turns them sticky with sweat
getting bit,
that is what my heart does,
spinning to upbelly its pink sides
then squirming to get out of reach
pinned to my hold not letting go
because that would be even more dangerous
and where it’s bit it turns black
like gangrenous certainty creep
eating the flesh
leaving itself behind in its tracks
and dying outright as it goes
until it is a stump not salvageable
in the middle of me
so there is no lopping it,
and I think O No
as it crumbles into my blood
ash swimming in my relentless pulse
it grows back,
and I think O No
love at first bite hold my breath hoping the music
did not just stop hoping
nobody is looking at me
when I open my eyes, when
just before I do I think O please God
I am not so worried that you don’t love me
I am worried that I could stop loving you

Thursday, May 01, 2008

for virgo this week: "I choose to lose control in the presence of staggering beauty/ I choose to be stripped of what is unreal." In my view, that's an epically brazen way to use one's freedom -- right up there, in terms of radical moral zeal, with choosing to ease the suffering of everyone you encounter. With these examples to inspire you, Virgo, take some time to make an aggressive new formulation about how you'll use your growing freedom.

"No Ceiling," Eddie Vedder