Thursday, May 22, 2008

"More than likely, there will be enough testicular tissue left to make good teaser bulls. However, since the sperm must exist at the bottom of the testis, any frozen testicles are pretty much irreplaceable." --from Beeftalk: Cold and Wind Can Neuter Bulls
[fyi - puts a new spin on all those kids at soccer practice in the park, freezin their balls off . . . ]
I'm so fucking cold I can barely move. Under 3 comforters, surfing summerporn (is the new landporn). Cz all those schmucks who bought those mcmansions they can't afford also bought stuff like boats and cabins with home equity they didn't have. That little baby is a few minutes from the Allegany State Park. If only I had a riding lawn mower (and more-than-virtual friends), the fantasy would be complete.