Tuesday, October 29, 2019

On this darkest and most mysterious day of the season, it will be most fortuitous to send a sort of spell into the ether about what you intend, wish and believe you can make happen in the weeks to come. Do you dare stretch your faith into a future where what you want is already yours? Declare it. Reach your hand into the dark and claim it.

a Selfish spell ~ Health + Wealth

prep work, witch garden harvest, consolidate resources + bury bad habits, sacrificing alcohol entirely and the names of that which saps my energy. it's a good time of year to find a small coffin to bury under a black moon, a dawn rose climber planted on top as the moon slivers anew. I put a reflective energy trellis behind it, mirrors to catch moon and dawn light, and a good repurpose of an object I remember buying to protect my bed when I'd been hurt, on which I still sleep but a king size is in my future

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Loneliness is very strange. If you think about it. By definition, there is nothing there to be having a feeling about.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Anxiety is strange.

Monday, October 21, 2019

My skin glows, my hair coils, my guts don't ache, my nails grow thick as do my haunches. Moonlight nzls my skin.

I seethe and bare my teeth, light growling ears back. Anybody in their right mind would avoid my snapping range.


At the center is a molten river of bitter sweet.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

I am damn difficult. I watch myself bristle and not able to help it. I am TRYING TO HELP IT, but can't, I am a terrible liar, if I am hissing on the inside there is no way to quiet it. It can be heard through my skin. Every time I see him, he has to deal with it all over again. I just SNARLHISS. I do not want to be touched (much), definitely do not want to talk about how anything feels (!), don't want to even say "I'm glad to see you too."  yeayea, patpatpat

Was I always like this?

My inner dialog: are you oppressive and clingy? Or are you a perfectly nice guy who has the misfortune of being bewitched by my ass? You look like you're just sitting nearby breathing, nothing overtly oppressive about that. But for whatever reason, because I know you're thinking about me, I want to kill you. Even though you came 1000 miles to sit there and breathe harmlessly.


He stopped a movie we were watching just to hug me, and I swear I nearly ripped his throat out with me teeth. I literally shudder growled, and he laughed. He laughs through it, just keeps it up. Like I am feral cat "rescued", who is not into rescuing at all, and he just keeps at it with human equivalents of cans of tuna. Stuff I like. Until I relent and I'm like FINE JESUS CHRIST FUCK GOD DAMN IT *JUST STOP WITH THE WORDS* AND YES INCLUDING WORDS YOU ARE ONLY THINKING GRRRRRRRRR.....

Trainwereck used to say that he spent 2 years sneaking up on me, like Elmer Fudd with a cardboard bush. I think he says that crap to everybody. But it worked. I felt like I could skip all the hissing and go straight to the penis magic because I bought that bullshit story. This poor bastard has to try to RELATE to me. And I hate that. I dunno how anyone ever did that :/

Monday, October 14, 2019

I feel smothered.

Saturday, October 12, 2019


Monday, October 07, 2019

Sunday, October 06, 2019

I'm teaching a graphic medicine course with the chair of biology next semester. Students will make comic books about illnesses / biological malfunctions and she will be in charge of their scientifiic accuracy. So I am pulling texts out of storage and out drops a 'bookmark', like a joke I decided to tell my future self, "hey remember when you were traumatized by finding hotel room charges on bank statements? ha ha ha"

Yesterday, The Girl's cat broke its leg. Just the most recent of many child-related meltdowns lately. (My kids are killing me, that is also part if the This Time, my kids being all old enough to routinely fuck themselves over and then come crying to me.) I spent the evening in a vet ER. Turns out that's a very funny place to hang out. Dogs do the dumbest shit. My favorite was the beagle named Scout who ate mulch, weighed 5 pounds more than the day before, so 5 pounds of mulch. He was cute and friendly with an innocent look on his face. He reminded me of Trainwreck. That beagle is definitely going end up in an ER again, no doubt about it. Lol.

Saturday, October 05, 2019

I just can't.

Friday, October 04, 2019

VIRGO: It's textbook basic this weekend — romance sparks between two people who like the same things.


The Tragically Hip - Tired as Fuck

Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Grown children are a pain in the ass. No, halfgrown...no...

...all children are a pain in the ass.

No, wait ... PEOPLE are a royal pain in the ass.

Yea, that's it.