Tuesday, October 29, 2019

On this darkest and most mysterious day of the season, it will be most fortuitous to send a sort of spell into the ether about what you intend, wish and believe you can make happen in the weeks to come. Do you dare stretch your faith into a future where what you want is already yours? Declare it. Reach your hand into the dark and claim it.

a Selfish spell ~ Health + Wealth

prep work, witch garden harvest, consolidate resources + bury bad habits, sacrificing alcohol entirely and the names of that which saps my energy. it's a good time of year to find a small coffin to bury under a black moon, a dawn rose climber planted on top as the moon slivers anew. I put a reflective energy trellis behind it, mirrors to catch moon and dawn light, and a good repurpose of an object I remember buying to protect my bed when I'd been hurt, on which I still sleep but a king size is in my future