Friday, January 29, 2010

WEEKEND LOVE FORECAST: ARIES: Avoid making demands. You'll get what you want with slyly delivered suggestions. You can be so charming when you want to be. TAURUS: It's easy to ask for the world when you don't really care. Refuse to want or need anyone and you'll be in a position to get everything. GEMINI: Trust your loved one. If you can't, then why are you together? CANCER: Put a smile on your loved one's face. You're clever and will find a way. And if you're single, put a smile on the face of the one you want to be your love. LEO: You rival Aquarius when it comes to getting attention. Your gracious acceptance of compliments elevates you in someone's eyes. VIRGO: Resolve what you must within yourself. [give her the time she can transform like optimus prime la la laaaaa] LIBRA: You'll be honored in some way, making you quite attractive to those who would like to be in your position. SCORPIO: You'll be able to build on the good experiences of this weekend. SAGITTARIUS: Someone playful will be an excellent match for you. CAPRICORN: Read and write for pleasure. This will center you and remind you of who you are. Your intelligence is your most attractive quality. AQUARIUS: You are creative and charismatic, and you will steal the scene everywhere you go. PISCES: Your attitude will be contagious, so be sure it's one worth catching.

bonus track: DJ Sat-One - I Can Transform Ya

Thursday, January 28, 2010

email your entries

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

put some down on it

update: remember that big loud pop and then I couldn't sit down to pee? I finally went to a chiropractor for often excruciating pain in my ass and down the back of my leg - yup I popped something but that's not really the problem, one crunch and that part is set right again, the real problem is that my inner right ass cheek muscle (it has a name that starts w/ "p" but I forget it so let's call it Penelope) is in permanent spasm to the point that it's a knot entirely, squeezing my sciatic nerve just about literally to nerve death. it's so tight that all the muscles around it are being pulled in, like towards a black hole, which in turn caused the pop under stress. the dude had to put his entire weight into the effort to depress the muscle into stillness for a moment. he said 'you are literally the definition of a tight-ass'.

it's not gonna kill me but it hurts, waaaaah <:/ meanwhile, my kid went to campus today to try to get a job and my colleague in her discipline said "that is the most impressive human being of that age I've ever met" and he wasn't kissin my ass bc we're eye-to-eye, me and him, so I know. I had a little ray of pleasure shine on my very gray heart right then. I said "I keep telling her to mellow out before she goes tight-ass, but it's too late". yeah way too late, he laughed. "yeah." clearly there are upsides to this ass-knot personality, but man alive I hope she ends up as impressive as she is but also pinker of heart than me. maybe I can make mine pinker again by remembering that's my goal at this point, helping lay the foundation for pink in my little ones. tombstones don't read "Got a lot done", they read "Beloved". so the answer to DmS's question for the day from me is take the poem

ernest ranglin w spearhead, I got plenty o' nothing - high rec! these come from one of those AIDS benefits cds, all covers of gershwin tunes that Bale sent my way (sigh), buy it here
bonus track - bobby womack w the roots, summertime

French novelist Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) is generally regarded as one of the greats. His book Madame Bovary appears on many lists of the greatest novels of all time. And yet writing didn't come especially easy for him. He worked as hard as a ditch-digger. It wasn't uncommon for him to spend several agonizing days in squeezing out a single page. On some occasions he literally beat his head against a wall, as if trying to dislodge the right words from their hiding place in his brain. He's your role model in the coming week, Virgo. You can create something of value, although it may require hard labor.

Monday, January 25, 2010

had a houseful of people this weekend, and now I'm in the expected crashmode back to reality, feeling as gray as the day. no matter what I do, I can't just take the good without the bad. for better or worse, I'm totally alive to both, that full range of feeling, goooooood and baaaaaaaad all the time. and those studies that show oxytocin levels in the brain going way way up when a person gives, as when a woman feeds you, that's me, an oxytocin addict, my brain just happy as a pig in shit the more people eat, the more they're present to be cared for - my brain can turn hot pink. but then, it can also turn dead gray, like rotting meat. some women cannot live on shih tzus. sigh. welp, I came to work anyway of course, and played DmS's summertime/motherless medly for my students and told them about sorrow songs and sublimation . . . my classes are maxed out this semester on the heels of the Spirituality seminar in the fall. It's not me they're there for, ti's the Mahalia, i.e. the students want access to talking of human spirits and the draining away of them. for the money they pay to be here, methinks they should at least have heard of Mahalia Jackson. it helps a lot that I get to give people such things as part of my job.

in case you don't have kids (which nobody who reads this blog does, to my knowledge), here:

this is totally hot, an underappreciated butt-shaker (louis prima)

bonus: Louis Prima - Love Of My Life (O Sole Mio)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

listening to: Woodpigeon: Say Say Say (Paul McCartney/Michael Jackson)
Woodpigeon: Lay All Your Love On Me (Abba)

"We should feel excited about the problems we confront and our ability to deal with them," said philosopher Robert Anton Wilson. "Solving problems is one of the highest and most sensual of all our brain functions." I wholeheartedly agree with him, which is why I expect that in the coming weeks you will be getting even smarter than you already are Virgo. The riddles you'll be presented with will be especially sexy; the shifts in perspective you'll be invited to initiate will give your imagination the equivalent of a deep-tissue massage.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Rufus Wainwright ft. Dido: I Eat Dinner repost (Kate McGarrigle wrote it, that's Rufus' and Martha's mom, she just died)
WEEKEND LOVE FORECAST: ARIES: You feel good about yourself around a certain person and that's where you'll gravitate. TAURUS: To give your unconditional love takes work -- you're willing to do that kind of work. GEMINI: You show your love for someone by respecting his or her family. CANCER: A selfish person will appeal to you, perhaps because you could benefit from paying more attention to your own pleasure and happiness. LEO: You like how someone looks and you'll like even better how this person responds to you. VIRGO: You will satisfy your hunting instincts by going after someone who is not so easy to catch. LIBRA: You can do the thing you think you can't do. Practice being strong and you become strong. SCORPIO: Notice whom you are attracted to and think about the qualities this person has that you want to possess. SAGITTARIUS: You'll take a romantic risk and it will work out for you. If this doesn't happen the first time, try again. CAPRICORN: You'll find that you're better at flirting than you thought you were! AQUARIUS: Make it a point to feel worthy and loved right now. Don't wait for someone else to make you feel that way. PISCES: You like who you are, and that is very attractive.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

just another day just another day
to relive the horror of being in a small mind so little
that it hardly notices or holds its own thought
forms for more than a minute
damn it hurts to always wake into a fresh day and feel the heavy
karma of yesterday
so heavy
. it's hard to get out of your house
-from "Dorhe Chang Day", Roberto Valenza


it's national hug day , otherwise known as 'national I f'n dare you day'. I've got a hate-on for everything today. such as, I hate this dude and his vindictive wife too, they're both pieces of shit . . .


Monday, January 18, 2010

heard a story on the radio about this upstate NY kid who died of Everything Cancer recently - he was a ukele prodigy and he managed to do this benefit cd before he died (at 16), proceeds go to charity. the tracks on the cd are mostly duets w famous people and he plays the ukele, though some of them, like a cover of Prince's "Kiss", are solo pieces that he sang around all the tumors in his mouth. what got to me was the part in the story where his mom talked about how he wasn't so worried about the tumors, it was the scratchy puberty vocal range that embarrassed him. that struck me as such a powerful statement about how we worry about how we're coming off more than we worry about almost anything else, a self-generated heckling peanut gallery in our heads all the time.

killian mansfield (w Dr. John, I'm pretty sure) - scratch my back - (the "Kiss" track is good but I couldn't listen to it myself without feeling hot golf balls in my mouth). you can buy the cd at amazon
bonus track: Susan Tedeschi: Lord Protect My Child (Dylan cover)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

another slow saturday morning . . .

update: can't find anything funny today after watching the news while I sorted laundry (text HAITI to 90999 to give $10 through the Red Cross - gets added to your phone bill).

Friday, January 15, 2010

[i have a beauty mark in my jupiter spot]

Oh my, Virgo! Here it is! The year you've been waiting for. Jupiter, who spends one full year in a sign, will set off for Pisces and your house of one-to-one relationships today, which means you're about to be served a veritable buffet of lovers.
[like Golden Griddle, only different?] Better take those vitamins.

"In terms of your personal life, the vacillation of those around you is getting to you today. The Lovers card holds sway in the emotional sphere today, revealing hesitant and somewhat fickle behavior on the part of your nearest and dearest. All this is very unsettling for you, to the point that where certain people are concerned, you feel as if you’re getting nowhere as neither of you has faith. A word of advice: ignore your doubts and try to communicate."

If you asked me to make you a mix tape that would be conducive for making love to, I wouldn't be in the least surprised. These long January nights are ideal times for you Virgos to be unleashing your dormant passion and sharing volcanic pleasure and exploring the frontier where delight overlaps with wonder. In the compilation of tunes I'd create for you, I'd probably have stuff like "Teardrop" by Massive Attack, "Breathe Me" by Sia, "Supermassive Black Hole" by Muse, and "6 Underground" by the Sneaker Pimps. But I think it's a better idea for you to assemble your own soundtrack.

muse - feeling good (nina simone), I like the tone of this version, a kind of devil may care upbeat what the hell ever there's no sense even trying to make sense typa thing. if I had to sum up the alignment of the stars right now, I'd say: beware of the sense men can whip their minds up into making cz it might make 'no I'm not hungry but I'll take a sandwich' look like a cake-walk
Bloodgroup - My Arms
Jenny Björkqvist - To Heal Your Wounds
Ibrahim Maalouf - Souma Hia
Sneaker Pimps: de herrineringen! Onmisbaar om eens in je leven te beluisteren (Filla Brazilla) remix: 6 Underground. a nice lo-fi mix
Steinski and Mass Media - Let's Play it Cool - I've listened to this a buttgillion times recently, high rec

WEEKEND LOVE FORECAST: ARIES: The love that is intertwined with common interests and compatible personality traits will be lasting. TAURUS: Your strong sense of fairness will help you to see where another person is coming from. GEMINI: Your disposition is kind, but you won't put up with less than you deserve. CANCER: You will alleviate another person's distress -- a beautiful gift. LEO: You care more about the success of a joint activity than you do about your own success. VIRGO: You'll get the chance to follow through on a promise you made long ago. LIBRA: You accept a loved one "as is," and this person blossoms in the warmth of your unconditional love. SCORPIO: A friend connects you with just the person you were looking for. SAGITTARIUS: Your compassion will endear you to one who's had an eye on you. CAPRICORN: Your happiness means everything to someone. AQUARIUS: It is said that love doesn't envy or boast. However, you will have something to be proud of, and loved ones may talk you up or be secretly jealous of your prize. PISCES: Don't get so hypnotized gazing into another person's eyes that you forget to take a moment to look together in the same direction.

bonus, you gotta! check this out if only for the first few seconds of the shoulder shimmies, it's fantastic. and its utter weirdness captures so much:

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

wow it's cold here deep into my everything - a productive day though, some work got done on the house, yup yup, it's all good, the garage[roof] situation lookin up for sure, and school starts up again this week and I'm on the studio schedule so welp inner bee stings always make me the most effective person in any room so I'll just go with that I'm sure, some kinda way

"Cuddle Alone," She Keeps Bees

A reader calling herself Rebellioness collaborated with me to come up with five revolutionized approaches to the art of rebellion. I present them here for your use, Virgo, as they identify the kinds of behavior that will be most nurturing for you to cultivate in the coming weeks. 1. Experimenting with uppity, mischievous optimism. 2. Invoking insurrectionary levels of wildly interesting generosity. 3. Indulging in an insolent refusal to be chronically fearful. 4. Pursuing a cheeky ambition to be as wide-awake as a dissident young messiah. 5. Bringing reckless levels of creative intelligence to all expressions of love.

[yeah, something like that . . . ]

like this maybe

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Saturday, January 09, 2010

a slow Saturday, too cold and lazy to do much but clean and eat breakfast repeatedly. and read a bunch of crapola:

. . . skip the cosmetic counter altogether and head straight for the drugstore aisle selling Pepto Bismol. Yes, you read right. The diarrhea treatment can also help you get you the glow going.

"It contains salicylic acid, and if you put a coating on your face, let it set for a few minutes, then wash it off, and your skin will have a mega-glow that shines through even after you put on your makeup," says Irons, whose most recent book is, The World's Best Anti-Aging Secrets.

[huh] [update: pepto bismal turns your face that bright pink even after you've rinsed it off, fyi - pink alll day]


The Virgo is often gentle and delicate, preferring to step back and analyze before moving ahead. Virgo Key Words:

Strengths: Practical, loyal, hardworking, analytical, kind.
Weaknesses: Worry, shyness, overly critical of self and others, all work and no play.
Charismatic marks: A certain, reserved manner marks the classic Virgo. Virgos are generally slight in build.
Likes: Cleanliness, animals, healthy foods, books, nature.
Dislikes: Taking center stage, rudeness, asking for help.
Virgo in Love: censored

Afghanistan's national game, buzkashi, is attempting a marketing transformation inspired by pro football's and basketball's growths in the United States over the last several decades, according to a November USA Today dispatch. The main hindrance is that buzkashi is often little more than violent anarchy. A team of 12 men on horseback tries to carry a goat carcass the length of a field, around a goal and back, through an opposing team "defense" that includes almost any tactic short of murder. Spectators are often trampled by riders disregarding boundaries, and horses have dropped dead on the field from abuse or fatigue. The head of the Buzkashi Federation said he aims to present the game for consideration to the International Olympic Committee.

[It'd be even better if the goats were alive, don't you think?]

CéU -
Malemolencia - Instituto Remix (rt clk)

Friday, January 08, 2010

WEEKEND LOVE FORECAST: ARIES: There are many facets to your personality. Keep the one you are interested in guessing. TAURUS: You'll be receptive and open to the adventure of loving someone who is very different from you. GEMINI: Stick with the one you started with. Loyalty will count, and you'll be proud of your choice. CANCER: Every effort to make yourself feel better will help you become more loving. LEO: Give straightforward answers and directives. You'll be appreciated. VIRGO: The care you take in the details of your personal presentation will make you magnetic. LIBRA: Be bold and talk to people you don't know. Your courage is attractive. SCORPIO: Your genuine care for others makes you shine as a class act. SAGITTARIUS: You'll find out that you are at the top of someone else's to-do list. CAPRICORN: Be peaceful. If you feel angry, work it out appropriately. Misdirected anger is like poison. AQUARIUS: You'll be a buddy to your love, sharing his or her interests without worrying whether that makes you masculine or feminine. PISCES: Someone needs to know that you trust him or her. Let go and prove it.

Fionn Regan: Getting Better (The Beatles)
Cara Dillon & Sam Lakeman: Wait (The Beatles) - high girly

Thursday, January 07, 2010

You like the story in which the caterpillar goes to sleep and wakes up a monarch butterfly. Go with that sleepy feeling for now. Soon, in some way, you are about to wake up.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

for FPH, rose melberg - things that we do
it sure will be nice when maybe someday my roof isn't just leaking like a bitch all over (sigh)

Led ZeppelinTen Years Gone
Hayes Carll: Bad Liver & A Broken Heart (tom waits)
"Fallin'," Teenage Fanclub (feat. De La Soul) - get past the weird first seconds, it's worth it, high rec
Bob Dylan: Hard Times Come Again No More

Monday, January 04, 2010

no one can always be an angel

VIRGO, When you change your direction, others must adjust -- or get run over. Honor their process. Some people take a long time to process change. Try to occupy yourself while you wait for them to come around.
Shawn Colvin: You’re Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go [i've always loved every inch of this song - hear how the crowd holds its breath at the lull? (apx 3:10) everyone knows the first end isn't really]
New Buffalo “Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood” (The Animals)
'New Buffalo is Australian musician Sally Seltmann, who wrote the song “1234″ for Feist,' says Coverfreak - high rec, mood = drag ass'n

Sunday, January 03, 2010

it is superman-would-only-come-here-to-escape-criptonyte cold here

Saturday, January 02, 2010

It's not easy being quiet and good, it's like hanging on to the edge of a bridge when you've already fallen over; you don't seem to be moving, just dangling there, and yet it is taking all your strength.
--Margaret Atwood

stein ski - [original link removed] woops that was the weird sex one (hahaha, sorry that was an awful song! funny tho) - correct one: solid air junk mood, a totally great track, high rec

Friday, January 01, 2010

THE ONE NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION YOU'LL KEEP: Which resolution are you most likely to stick to? Here's what your stars have to say on the matter. ARIES: Learn how to get along better with the opposite sex. TAURUS: Go on a vacation with your favorite person and no one else. GEMINI: Learn to say several useful phrases in another language. CANCER: Master a new signature dish, and feed it to many friends. LEO: Write regularly in your journal. VIRGO: Photograph your daily life often and share the pictures with loved ones. LIBRA: Keep family ties strong by planning 10 important outings with loved ones throughout the year. SCORPIO: Replace a tired part of your vocabulary with fresh words and expressions. SAGITTARIUS: Learn to perform a song, preferably on an instrument you do not currently know how to play. CAPRICORN: Hone your listening skills to such a degree that you're praised and celebrated for them. AQUARIUS: Cut out the drink that causes you the most expense and contributes the least to your overall health. PISCES: Master walking with an attitude. This includes your usual getting-around walk and, of course, your confident swagger.