Saturday, January 09, 2010

a slow Saturday, too cold and lazy to do much but clean and eat breakfast repeatedly. and read a bunch of crapola:

. . . skip the cosmetic counter altogether and head straight for the drugstore aisle selling Pepto Bismol. Yes, you read right. The diarrhea treatment can also help you get you the glow going.

"It contains salicylic acid, and if you put a coating on your face, let it set for a few minutes, then wash it off, and your skin will have a mega-glow that shines through even after you put on your makeup," says Irons, whose most recent book is, The World's Best Anti-Aging Secrets.

[huh] [update: pepto bismal turns your face that bright pink even after you've rinsed it off, fyi - pink alll day]


The Virgo is often gentle and delicate, preferring to step back and analyze before moving ahead. Virgo Key Words:

Strengths: Practical, loyal, hardworking, analytical, kind.
Weaknesses: Worry, shyness, overly critical of self and others, all work and no play.
Charismatic marks: A certain, reserved manner marks the classic Virgo. Virgos are generally slight in build.
Likes: Cleanliness, animals, healthy foods, books, nature.
Dislikes: Taking center stage, rudeness, asking for help.
Virgo in Love: censored

Afghanistan's national game, buzkashi, is attempting a marketing transformation inspired by pro football's and basketball's growths in the United States over the last several decades, according to a November USA Today dispatch. The main hindrance is that buzkashi is often little more than violent anarchy. A team of 12 men on horseback tries to carry a goat carcass the length of a field, around a goal and back, through an opposing team "defense" that includes almost any tactic short of murder. Spectators are often trampled by riders disregarding boundaries, and horses have dropped dead on the field from abuse or fatigue. The head of the Buzkashi Federation said he aims to present the game for consideration to the International Olympic Committee.

[It'd be even better if the goats were alive, don't you think?]

CéU -
Malemolencia - Instituto Remix (rt clk)