Monday, June 14, 2010

where the magic happens

I would say that working constantly is keeping me relatively satisfied by perhaps acting as a relief well on my inner life, effectly cementing off the flow of discontent by leaving no time for it. But actually that metaphor might not work at all. <:/

listening to: magic wands - black magic, very catchy summertime pop type song

love horoscope: The planetary energies activate your social life to the extent that you may wonder just what has hit you. A meeting may prove very fortunate as far as romance is concerned, although you may not immediately recognize this potential in the person you encounter. Your first impression is likely to be of someone who is a fast talker, knows their own mind, and has plenty to say.

hmm welp I'm dong hiring interviews all day today, from 10 a.m. - 10 p.m., with grinding paper grading in the breaks between - maybe the poetdude who is the dinner interview will talk fast, which would be good because then I wouldn't have to talk at all . . . .