Friday, June 04, 2010

WEEKEND LOVE FORECAST: ARIES: You ward off an overly sensitive mood by taking plenty of time to yourself. Your easygoing attitude is so attractive! TAURUS: If you have to handle someone with great care, your time together won't be as fun. Go for hardy people. GEMINI: There will be a happy twist of fate on Saturday night. CANCER: You'll be in the mood to take chances, and someone wants to join your adventure, too. LEO: You make someone feel wonderful about himself or herself, and that's why this person wants to be around you all the time. VIRGO: Keep everyday problems and worries out of date night, and everything will be magical. LIBRA: Because of the way someone sees you and reacts to you, you'll get in touch with what is special and unique about you. SCORPIO: You'll meet just the right person to help you let loose and have fun. SAGITTARIUS: The way you say someone's name will tell this person exactly how you feel about him or her. CAPRICORN: Try to center your conversations and actions on the things you know will interest and excite the other person. AQUARIUS: Relationships that take off quickly could end just as fast. Go slow -- savor getting to know someone. PISCES: You'll be in a rebellious mood. Avoid control freaks or there will be trouble.