WEEKEND LOVE FORECAST: ARIES: Your ambition excites a loved one. This person believes in you, and you can ride that energy through the weekend. TAURUS: You're practical, but not when it comes to spoiling your loved one. You see the importance in doing that now. GEMINI: All eyes are on you, and you thrive under the pressure. CANCER: You need freedom, so steer clear of demanding and inflexible people. LEO: An interesting secret will be revealed to you. VIRGO: Yours might be the best way, but it is not the only correct answer. LIBRA: A loved one ends his or her project and therefore has more time and attention to concentrate on you. SCORPIO: Your creative style will impress. You know how to tell a story, and also how to play a part. SAGITTARIUS: Assume the best about your loved one, and this person will live up to your assumptions. CAPRICORN: You'll find a new way to encourage your sweetheart. When this person feels good about himself or herself, your relationship is smooth. AQUARIUS: Being with someone who is your intellectual equal will make you think even more astutely than usual. PISCES: Compliment the special way someone loves you.
city & colour - bring me your love - as much as I ever could might as well do it now cz we're going to dead in a minute la la la