Tuesday, February 06, 2018

I paid ahead of time for a home inspection so my offer could waive the right to it, a $400 longshot bet. That won it. There were offers for more $, but I gave them the best terms. I bet that Greeks are more practical than greedy. And I was right.

Need will light a fire under your ass. If you need food, you will forage. Want is more delicate than Need. Harder to identify, let alone sustain and pursue. I don't Need anything. I have been depressed, struggling with feeling just miserabley old. In a perfectly okay life, my job isn't coal mining, my family is great. Nothing wrong. But I just feel dulled and dusty. Depressed. Ya feel that way for too long, it starts to feel like dying by inches.

I got to feel like myself again this week. A person who knows how to go after what she Wants. That is what I Needed.

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