Friday, February 02, 2018

He can't meet me early because he is doing a favor for a friend. Later when I am supposed to go back through it, he texts that he will be an hour late because he has to take his mom to the dr. Finally he shows up and we go in. Mirrors are evvvverywhere in this house, like on every figgin wall there are wallmirrors, even above the stove.

Him: sorry!, my mother blabla (about some growth on her lip yadayada)
Me: I can't get away from myself in here, every time I turn a corner there I am again jeezus
Him: must have been Greek
Me: Greeks like mirrors? 
Him: a Greek man can't walk by a mirror and not look at himself
Me: haaaaaaaaaaahahahaha that is hilarious, peacock tendencies lol
Him: I am doing it right now, see?, I can't help myself
Me: ahhhh YOU're Greeeeek now I get it, the mom thing
Him: yes, I am a helicopter son
Me: hahahahahahaha o man that is funny, and now I am noticing that your belt buckle and shoes and jacket all coordinate spiffily
Him: always! you must have Greek  experience, but you're Sicilian?
Me: yup the only bummer thing about moving back to the city is never again seeing my Greek Canadian exnotboyfriend who I already never see, except that in the friendzone he is very helpful and might show up to give me a hand with IKEA
Him: lol naturally, we are very helpful in friendzones it is true
Me: I hope so because that blown light fixture is going to need replaced asap
Him: tell him he can look at himself from any angle as he replaces it
Me: lol I will try that but it is a far drive
Him: I married a Canadian Greek girl, and she is still there, 4 hours away
Me: haaaaaaaaaaahahahaha ya, it's best to let a Greek have a lot of elbow room, like their own separate nation from yours
Him: lol I do miss my 9-year-old daughter but it is kind of worth it
Me: because no offense but wow you are not good compromisers at all
Him: fair! yea I just make the drive, I take my daughter to Lewiston a lot actually
Me: (snort) Lewiston, the demilitarized zone between Buffalo and Greece
Him: haaaaaaaaaaahahahaha it is! What do you think of the yard?
Me: my least favorite part of the house but the garage would make a great Polish porch
Him: haaaaaaaaahahahaha it would!, impressive that you know the quirks of Poland as well
Me: uh huh, quite the accomplishment, hard earned
Him: is that what you got your PhD in?
Me: haaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha kinda!

Bonkers bidding war is gonna go down and I don't gamble much. But my undercover realtor bud creamed his jeans over it too, is pushing me to go balls to the wall, with rehab greedyiggles, "fuck, all the windows are lead! offer what it takes to get this, I am telling you it's worth it!!"  I love what is hard and worth it to love. I have an eye for it.

Weekend love horoscope VIRGO: It's the look from across a crowded room that will be remembered most. (In a mirror? That could be kinda fun [snort]..)