Aaron (ex-student, now friend), helped me pick one (the mosquito) - he's gonna teach me how to shoot it if I want . . did you know ambulance drivers (he hates that term, it's EMT!) carry guns usually cz even when though they're trying to help well people just suck and are often dangerous besides. I gave him an A for a (doomed) wedding present (no, he didn't do that final paper, o well, what the fuck ever), so I guess, well, I dunno, I let him help me a little, let people help me just a little in general >:/
meanwhile, slept most of the day (don't sleep well at night) then went to hear Clyde at Waterstreet, Tony got shitfaced drunk and sounded way better then he ever does sober (what is up w that? a musician universal truth), got hit on a butgillion times til I ran away (him laughing, ha fucking ha), now home to listen for funny noises and watch netflix.