Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I'm in the middle of NOWHERE. If I won the lottery, I'd buy a place here in the Adirondacks to live in during summer and rent during ski season. I'd have built for me a green'd house, modest and spartan kind of charming, a cathedral ceiling. Not that I'd need to win the lottery, strictly speaking. I'd lie on my back underneath as someone drywalled it and I'd watch. There's no cell phone here, but at night sometimes I pick up someone's wireless card who is picking up someone's wireless card, etc, like jump stations of people out here thinking the same thing: I wish you were here, to smell this air for instance. I kayak'd all day, came face to face with two blue herron (they are BIG, fyi), a green billed black duck, a frog the size of a quart of milk, tons of painted turtles sunning their legs held out to the heat like turtle yoga poses, and an otter with his little ears just above the water line. This Thursday is a meteor shower but here where there is no haze, I saw a preview, a shooting star that spanned the whole damn sky. Wherever you are, look up.