Sunday, August 01, 2010

CAPRICORN Unconditional love is the deepest kind. Offer this powerful energy to yourself. Forgive yourself for your mistakes. If you can't or won't, it will be impossible for you to offer it to anyone else.

VIRGO The environment gets stuffy, and this is not about the air quality. Stodgy attitudes require a shake up, and you're just the one to do it. Loosen up your body language. That might be enough to change the mood. .

Welp, very recently the Capricorn rising-sign scopes seem as much or more applicable than the Virgo scopes, which makes sense cz I have been intensely interacting with others more than usual. And honestly, I think I'm doing well overall, no careening around in my mind, a lot of "yup" and "nope" and "this is what I'm thinking" served straight up.

For instance, the money-custody process, lord I hate conflict and judges and money . . . lions and tigers and bears, o my. X hates my guts so bad, my being soberly demanding and unruffled is making him just bonkerinos mad, I'm surprised he can get his fingers to unfist long long enough to write those emails hahahahah eeek. I don't even feel angry back though. When he rages on about every bad thing I ever did, mostly "withholding" in one form or another, I think yeah dude sorry about those things, I wasn't a strong person then it's true I was just faking it, sorry and bygones and now we're talking about child support though so let's get back on subject.

"Yup" and "nope" and "this is it", straight up.

Today is Lammas, the first harvest (ie fall is coming), and I'm representing the Goddess energy (winter, basically). It's an old timey prayer meeting and picnic. I'll say the prayer of thanks for winter, for redemption and renewal and rebirth and all the things that 'downtime' of winter makes possible, without which there would not be perennial life. If it were always summer, we'd be happy until we died of it. You need to go away in order to come back. And as hard as it is, things need to die. People and parts of ourselves. Mistakes need to be forgiven and let go. You need to have faith that other things are coming to fill those spaces and you need to accept those things when they arrive. When you say this prayer, you are thankful for the winter phases in all things, for the strength to bare them, for getting from your faith and your inner resources what you need to survive until the sun shines again.

Of course, they give me this role for the Lammas not for all the lovely metaphorical reasons I just conjured, but because I'm best at saving money lately hahahahahah, the Squirrel Queen.