Tuesday, June 08, 2010

I had to go to court this morning (more on this later when I have time to reflect/write about it) - turns out the judge is a student in my hot yoga classes. I.e. he has seen me in my underwear, all sweaty and bossing him around. He made a point of telling my lawyer how much he likes my classes. My lawyer said afterwards as he walked me to my car, "You're the good guy, and you can afford to be nice because you are in complete control of this situation." My eyes are adjusting to the light of that conceptual framework . . . .

VIRGO, The detours you take and the diversions you chase will prove astoundingly productive, since you will get inspiration from unexpected sources. It's what keeps your image fresh.

and from astrologyzone: In many ways, your life is getting better every day and in every way. You've been through a great deal over the past two years, but now you are seeing the end to a long and arduous journey. . . . Put a big gold star on your calendar when Jupiter and Uranus will conjoin in Aries - June 8 - making for one of the most dazzling economic days of the year! It should be a standout day - a real dazzler. Use it for key meetings, presentations, and to make applications.