Saturday, December 28, 2024

She was creeping slowly to the center of herself. He was the bridge she took to get there. ~ Rapture, Susan Minot

Want is a transitive verb. If you understand that, you'll need direct objects. 

 "grounds the outlets"

I start getting ready to leave today, clean the whole house, empty the fridge. All the appointments - shrink, vet, hair dresser, etc this week. I'm going to hit the road to WI, intending to fall in love with something, if possible. 

Not sure when I'll come back, or if I will keep going and if so to where 🤔 put it this way: there is no reason for me to be anywhere except for love of it. I'll come back because there are things I love 💞 here. But. I need more.

There was another version of life where I wasn’t siloed off within my brain... ~ All Fours, Miranda July 

dancing in the country - tyler hubbard from the "manifest this ft calloused hands" playlist. What I want: to go line dancing (seriously, I want someone to take me). Meanwhile, that vid is adorable 💗