Monday, December 23, 2024

I just can't not:

Him: -_0 good morning

Me: I've been learning to accept that all the things I built are gone 😭

Him: I know *_0

Me: if you suddenly lost 25% of your body mass and were getting endorphin highs off 6 hour tattoos, I would assume ...I mean, I've gone through A Thing

Him: I know

Me: I can accept the work isn't gone it's just with other people now 😭 But I have to let go of the people too 😭

Him: I know

Me: I would like to keep working in this field 😭 ... 

Him: I know

Me: I'm good at it, a lightπŸ•―comes on in me when I'm up there (internal monolgue: it's amazing I only fell in love with one (former!) student, well 2 if you count the Greek but he wasn't in healthcare and wasn't a *student* by any stretch..)

Him: I know, everyone knows that, it's why they want you

Me 😭 πŸ™„ so that might be a real thing, I don't know, πŸ™„ but I don't want it for "us", I'm sorry, but I want it because that's what I love to do 

Him: I know

Me: And if that is not an option, living in the peanut gallery of that work while you do it, I'm sorry, but no. I can't take another year of living like this.😭 I have to tap out.

Him: I know  

Me: I mean, you backed me into that corner

Him: I know

Me: ok


Him: jesusfuckingchrist 

Me: 🚬 I really needed that (witchbody)


Me: 😭 did you know tears have a ton of cortisol in them, I'm toxin shedding - I should be collecting them, witches tears are in lists of ingredients for curses/activism spells 


Me: promise me something 😭

Him: um, ok

Me: we don't stop fucking until I have this shit figured out more - I mean, I say when 

Him: I want to marry you

Me: 😭😭 (ring is off)

Him: but ok, until you say when 

Me: ok

Because I just can't not. My body is built for LIVINGπŸ’₯

The Libra moon declares that invisible forces like wind and love are on our side. The absence of these forces will be equally lucky, though. So, while this is a day to set up your sail to see where the wind will blow you, if the wind has other plans, it's a sign that you're in charge this time. As the proverb goes, "When there is no wind, row."