Thursday, April 02, 2020

this motherfucker is bona fide batshit

But I can't say I'm sane, tbh. I'm awake about 20 hours a day, exhausted, manically working slowly.

manic sitting still + zoom = bonkerz

I woke up at 5 a.m. today, too tired to move too pandemicbonkers to sleep. What can I accomplish in that state? A thought experiment: I will review my bucket list, with death looming that seems like a useful chore. So. What is on my bucket list that doesn't involve travel? (Italy is obviously off the table.) 🤔 I let my mind meander over the body of one of my friends for a while, unabashed. Oh but wait, no social contact either! (Alas I cross him off the list, and the scheduled zoom meeting later today will just be weirder now 🙄)

Ummmmm, damn, I had a really narrow bucket list, and not because I've already done a bunch of cool awesome shit 😐 Try to imagine what it do if I could do anything...without imagining going anywhere or fucking anybody I shouldn't...c'mon, THINK OF SOMETHING DAMMIT, THINK!...)

Shit 😐

TJ walks in, asks "Wanna learn Arabic?" Sure, what the hell. How do you say, Your bucket list evidences a lack of both daring and imagination in all but one pretty useless category (?) in Arabic?

try blackout poetry