Friday, April 06, 2018

VIRGO If you set out on the journey ill-prepared and unsure, you'll be beginning the way most beginners do. This is the magic (and fun!) of being a beginner — inadequate means and imperfect odds of success.

It is official, I own two houses as of about 6 hours ago. I am not a beginner at houses but I have never had 'holdings' before. And along the way, my work life blew up totally. I am swamped, exhausted, embattled (when did being a teacher become a conflict frontline job? god damn holee chit).

To sooth my troubled mind, I renovate plan. I would woodwork if I could. Since I can't, I call craigslist work ads looking for gems. That makes me a general contractor right? In a skirt with a smile(ish).