Saturday, November 13, 2010

went to this. Ed was one of the producers this year, so I got a front row seat and a pass to the after party (which, musicwise, was way better than the show) - all the best music wasn't listed on the program anywhere - a reggae native fusion band from Oregan named Soul Seed was awesome (can't find a website for them), and a local band called The Brotherhood played great stuff plus houseband back-up for just about everybody of every musical variation. casinos are gross though (COUGH), as are perversely grim miserably coupled people. ie I'm choosing to focus on the good, and shower off the smell of the rest, and now go to sleep smelling like warming scrub in an old t-shirt zzzzz

VIRGO You may be all grown up on the outside, but there is a tender part of you that shows up whenever a certain someone comes around. With this person, you let down your guard and become impressionable.