Saturday, May 08, 2010

It is going to snow tonight. And some pipe or a mysteriously new part of my roof (??) is leaking, water streaming down the inside wall downstairs near nothing that would make any sense as a source. Various people, not me, could probably tell me what it is, where it's coming from, but nobody wants to hear from me unless I'm perky in yoga pants delivering a horoscope whatever.

I taught all day, knowing his check will bounce, tyring to help the studio in Orchard Park keep its doors open. A woman named Rosilee came in for the open house freebie class at 4, she was a bundle of twigs, shaking with any effort whatsoever, a total disaster. Afterward she told me she has anxiety problems. (Duh.) I told her truthfully that I used to be that skinny, used to need a drug to bring my heartrate down, used to force myself to stop shaking (when FPH was new, not wanting to scare him when he was some kinda skittisher than me about god knew what) by biting down on the inside of my cheek really hard but if you touched me you could still feel it, the tremble. She looked me over and didn't believe me and left miserable.

Sigh. Siiiiiiigh. O I guess I'll just drink a beer, watch hockey and say "ChickenFucker" bc everytime I say "ChickenFucker" it cheers me up.

No song, I don't have one.
p.s. I got re-elected and/but coworkers keep making jokes that Mr. Denied Tenure is going to shoot me when he gets my final letter . . .