Thursday, March 26, 2009

new moon in aries

With Saturn in disciplined Virgo [think: pole up ass] and opposing Uranus and Mars in imaginative Pisces, the struggle between fear of change and the inevitability of change smacks us in the head (Aries) and says, think of possibilities and make it happen.

The Sabian Symbol for Aries is: A man succeeds in expressing himself simultaneously in two realms. The two realms of spirit and matter want to be joined again. We have to stop believing that matter is devoid of spirit and that spirit has no place in our bodies, lives or work world. We have to join these two aspects of our lives and succeed at LIFE.

This year’s Spring Equinox chart, along with the new Moon chart, has Pluto squaring the Sun. Pluto is a big player in this year’s events. Pluto’s move into Capricorn last year at the end of November signaled the beginning of a time of cosmic evolution for our society and corporate structures (which rule our society). And its influence – the destruction of what’s dead and needs to be buried so that new ideas, new life and a new society can be born out of the ashes – is strong all through the year. On Winter Solstice, Pluto conjoined the Capricorn Sun. On this Equinox, it squares the Sun in Aries. On Summer Solstice, it will oppose the Sun in Cancer, and on Fall Equinox is will once again square the Libra Sun.

All the important turning points of the year are tied to Pluto in Capricorn. While we’ve been seeing how bankrupt our corporate and financial institutions are, we have to find a way to let these structures die so that we can create a more fair, balanced and fruitful way to do business and live life. Pluto in Capricorn will demand accountability from our political and business leaders. And it demands responsibility on our part as well. We have to take authority for our own lives and then step forward and join with others to change the world.

Pluto squaring the Aries Sun and Moon demands that we go deep within ourselves and find out what needs to be released before we can grow into our new life. Squares are turning points, where we get to shift our consciousness and change course. Old psychological patterns, imprinted by the patriarchy (Capricorn at its worst) [ha, amen], have to be rooted out of our psyches so we can grow into our natural, unique selves.

How have the rules of the game - greed, domination, hierarchy, power and worship of the almighty dollar - stopped you from doing what you are meant to do in this life? Patriarchy feeds on fear, insecurity, duplicity, shame, domination and inequality. Do we really want to continue this system? It’s caused more destruction, more evil, more despair than it’s worth. I vote to let it topple. Another, more life-giving society can be envisioned and implemented in its stead.

This year is the year to rebel against the old so that your true life can begin. Remember, in times of chaos, we get a real chance for something new to emerge. Putting band-aids on the institutions that have failed us, even families, will just bring more failures. We have to re-structure from the ground up. Putting band-aids on our psychic wounds will get us the same life we’ve been living. Learn to stand up to/for yourself. If you really want something new, it will take courage and passion to face the wound and heal it. So begin now to make the changes you keep putting off for another day.

That DAY has COME.