Saturday, September 23, 2017

Autumn equinox is when day and night are balanced in time, symbolizing the scales of justice. From here out, you reap whatever you have sewn for the year.  The harvest is what it is.

I have sweat a lot. Simple pleasures and solid Goods, that is where I put my energy this growing season. Sweating is one of my favorite simple pleasures. I swam until my sweat glistened on the surface of the water. I hiked for miles and returned to hotHOT yoga. When I am dripping sweaty wet and bright pink, muscles trembling, I feel like I could slap the snarky smile off the face of Fate. And afterwards, cooled and clean, it feels good to rest and feel Well.

But I like having some ass and tits too. When I walk around the house wearing nothing but Alive, I feel like this Canadian lady looks attitudewise. Jiggling my glitter. Frazey Ford - Done (I love her butt.)

So I bake bread. And smear my homemade jelly on it when it is still warm.

I like the woman things that I know how to do.