Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Mapping Transcendentalism to superheroes, it is wild how that is catching on like a wee curriculum fire. The class itself now includes faculty taking the frigging thing plus a waitlist as of this morning. Everyone wants to get out their childhood collection of whatever or brand their own meme T-shirt. And it isn't even a full idea, it's just, 'Ever feel like a secret midcareer moody superhero named, o, something like Vindictive or?' - you ask nearly anyone that and they are like o hell yes then get all happy just to put a name to it. It is the damnest thing. Funny Fuck It versus Status Crapquo. Finally, after struggling to understand the mojo of superheroism for over a decade, like a loop that goes back to Fuck It stronger and stronger, until I can no longer deny what I really am..

Nuts. That is my superpower.