Friday, April 07, 2017

Ummm ok. I mean...ya had me at the little boy in the wa-mbulance, go mercy corps. So I get the impulse (first time I have understood any thought of Trump's, which is scary in itself). Buuut uhhh first of all, can he just go to war with Syria? Like while I was busy nursing this dumb finger, boom we went to war? And uhhhh, how can you go to war defending the same people that you won't take in as refugees i.e. that you do not give a shit about at all?

Is Trump a Gemini??

Every morning, the news gets more stupefying. Like a bunch of self-interested self-destructive nutcases, we are gonna kill our species in favor of our own kids wllynilly as if that isn't suicide. #hellinahandbasket

Virgo. You are super-capable. You have more energy than others, and you don't mind doing extra work. This is why you become the superstar of your group today, a well-earned scenario. 

Of course, you are not alone.
