Wednesday, March 29, 2017

VIRGO Make the choice that feels right. You don't know where it will lead, and right now, no one will tell you. Unlike a jealous sibling who might spoil a surprise meant for you, the universe wants to delight in your startling glee.

Lay it on me Universe!

Today, I bang the gavel in front of 100+ PhD's and my bosses and I ain't gonna sweat it. Then I am off to Georgia leading a group of 9 junior faculty on a teaching revolution (stay tuned for the alone in a swank hotel room pic later). What they don't know is half our students will qualify to go to state school for free as of the governor's budget announcement Saturday. So by the time we get home, half those juniors could be out of a job. Unless we do something radical and bold and unthought yet. I am not sweating that either much. I trust I will think of something. I always do.