Monday, July 27, 2015

Life (Goes on) = Managing Ass(holes)

Today is day one of my vacation. Finally. A year ago today, Aaron and I met in a Greek restaurant, and we've been resolving to mend ever since. This morning, the day started with the great dane shitting all over the kitchen, because at 11 years old (dane lifespans are 6-8 years) her asshole just basically doesn't work anymore, the rubber band is worn out on it. I'm the woman, so project management of the dane's bowels falls to me. This afternoon, Jackie arrives for a 3-week visit, the first time she or anyone outside our immediate family has seen Aaron since last year. She will require constant meals and moderated but steady wine, otherwise she rummages in the back of the fridge, eats things that have been in their since the jurassic age, and sneak-drinks kettle one shots over frozen blobs of minute maid limeade, habits which are not advisable for her also aging ass presumably. Aaron is the man, so grilling food stuffs and keeping wine glasses full falls to him. Etc.