Thursday, July 09, 2015


I hear my mother coming out of my own mouth more and more, even by the voice in my own head. That's what she'd say about that article, "huh", as in "welp ya don't see that every day!" I'm sitting here drinking coffee, reading morning news feeds, internally clucking,  "huh" and "o my!" Then I'll think "I should exercise before I get ready" and I won't. Then I'll look for something to wear that's "comfy for me", I.e. that won't hug my ass so tightly that it reminds me to exercise all damn day. I'll forget to eat, then ravenous by the time I'm making dinner, I'll shove ingredients into my mouth raw, probably talking around them as I go. I will inevitably tell a story in which I come off as an idiot then I'll laugh at my own story. From dawn to dusk like that I morph into my mother over time more and more.

And so do you. Think about that.