Friday, October 10, 2014

Him: You're like the horse in Animal Farm.
Him: Ya know? Dropped dead? "Everything can be solved if you work harder"?
Me: LOLOL, um no, I don't remember...(I look it up)...what does that make you?, I ask, reading  the character list.
Him: Are you looking up a synopsis? Seriously?
Me: Well? What? The pigs killed the horse, so.
Him: See what I mean?!
Me: Says here the horse was the donkey's only friend.
Him: Jesus, you're such a dork. The horse was a control freak work happy dork, that's really all I remember.
Me: Sounds like what a cynical donkey [jackass] would say.
Him: Just saying. Work might not set you free.
Me: You got a better idea?
Him: (sigh)
Me: So, I'm going to make you a flowchart of your related jealousy and fidelity issues, by the way - that way you can see clearly how they're connected, for when you see the counselor.
Us: haha haha haha haha
Me: You have driven me insane.
Him: I know.