Saturday, December 11, 2010

VIRGO You are made up of more energy than physical matter. It's a strange thing to realize, but once you do, you will be able to control your world to a much greater extent.

ala mercury retrograde, I never did make it anywhere last night, but blessing in disguise: it was better to be home, in front of my fire, with a friend listening to music and working some stuff out in my aching head.

then at 8:30ish this morning, the phone rings, M from work, the queen of hurt feelings, got attacked really nutty bad at 3 a.m. by dragqueen of hurt feelings - luckily the attack was contained by technology (email/phone) and that dragqueen lives across the border, cz she was clearly drunk and I know has had to have cops called to a domestic disturbance (she beats up her girlfriends) at least once and she is a scary harpy let me tell ya. . . . and so, well, what's she gonna do?, what can she do?, she can't open her work email without finding some seriously nutty accusations and f-bombs galore in crazyass changing font sizes and whatnot, and she can't not open her work emails or answer her office phone cz that's part of her job . . . sooooo, well, logically enough she calls the Faculty President.

ha. I can't even get a tv out of my car, it took me literally 3 days to manage that, and now the tv is defrosting in my dining room, me with no clue how to plug it in or move the old one out of the way, etc. I'm on the phone with M as Sunnie's men are moving the frozen tv inside finally (glumly hahaha) and I'm telling M the tv story as its current chapter is unfolding, and so at least I could make her laugh.

but then I had to say "I'll figure something out. I don't know what I'm supposed to do, but I'm supposed to do something, and I'll figure it out." and I haven't even the foggiest notion. that nutty bitch is tenured, almost impossible to even censure, and really is starting to feel like someone who's gonna end up on the news. my only idea so far: get her to punch me. (ya know you get your enemy to hang from the end of a rope? answer: give them a lot of it and wait.) then I can get her fired and physically removed from the campus. (but what if she shoots me instead? that's the rub) I wish I were entirely kidding.