Wednesday, December 22, 2010

the I'm outa here ft. nobody cares if you go card (or travel . . . last time I pulled it about him, FPH was in Boston, but this time my vaulted intuition says "if you're standing around talking to yourself, you might as well walk away, nobody will f'n notice ft. you're a f'n loser and you ain't getting a hockey magnet for xmas either ya stupid bitch. p.s. that tv isn't getting itself outa that box, so you're fucked btw")

Eight of Cups
In search of something missing in life. Searching for a piece of the puzzle to a loving relationship or fulfilling life. A person in search of loving partner. Patterns have been repeated only to give same outcome. A letting go. Going forth alone to find happiness and fulfillment. Improvement of a difficult situation. New hope and vitality. Weariness and apathy.