Thursday, July 01, 2010

WEEKEND LOVE FORECAST: ARIES: Be lighthearted and playful. Deep conversation and seriousness are a turn off right now. TAURUS: Lose some of your expectations, and a loved one will in some way exceed your wildest notions. GEMINI: What you lost with a past love you will gain with a new love. CANCER: You can thank an ex for shaping your current attitudes about love and romance. LEO: To become more attractive, you'll rid yourself of an addiction. VIRGO: You'll field many compliments. LIBRA: Once you deal with yourself, your romantic life will unfold in a most pleasing way. SCORPIO: You dress with flair, but also with class. A degree of decorum and restraint will make you even more beautiful than you are. SAGITTARIUS: You are driven to work hard and provide for your loved ones, and you deserve a partner who feels the same way. CAPRICORN: Drop the past and whatever happened so that you can focus your mind on what is going on around you. AQUARIUS: Love the relationship you have, not the one you think you should have. There is no "should be." There is only what is. PISCES: Talking about a partner is not appropriate, even if you know that what you say will never be repeated.

This is only funny because just after the short stick-figures show up, I looked at the husband-stick and thought "wait, it might matter that we hate each other and that we're STICK FIGURES not real people! We're gonna die this way!! AH!". Thank you God for my nervous breakdown. (And my nose.)

VIRGO Without committing to a systems overhaul of your life, you've recently made many substantive changes. You are not who you were a year ago. You are better.


The Sweetback Sisters - My Uncle Used to Love me but She Died

(update: mid cup of coffee, Tbone decides: he's done, he's leaving. He snaps a picture of us by the tower-shitter, and blam he's gone. See what I mean? My people: No preludes. He wouldn't even let me get my own camera to snap a pic of him, nope he's done, that's that, poof. Bye dad.)