Friday, July 30, 2010

VIRGO There's something delicious about keeping your opinions, humor and deeds very private. You are building a mystery inside yourself. Let your secret be safe with you.

The alignment of the planets may mean you feel much more enthusiastic about a relationship that you have been complacent about recently. There is a lot of extra energy around that makes you more forthright and outspoken than usual, Capricorn, and also more insistent on getting your own needs met. This will enable you to play a more active role in the future - which makes life much more fun. [Capricorn is my rising sign, the persona people know me by, and thus the one they respond to, and that in turn creates my reality to a large extent. I like Capricorns, so I'm down w/ that, but they are not easy. Capricorns work hard, play hard, do just about everything the hard way until they realize that's inefficient, and only that insight might temper their headbanging. Then, finally, they might just tell you what they want.] [Whereas a virgo, um, well . . . .]

WEEKEND LOVE FORECAST: ARIES: You challenge loved ones, and they might not like it in the moment. Later, they will thank you for bringing out qualities in them they didn't know they had. TAURUS: If you feel guilty, you'll spend too much money. Mistakes are normal. Say you're sorry, but don't overcompensate. GEMINI: Your self-esteem is changeable from hour to hour. Be patient with yourself. CANCER: You will hit the jackpot in love. LEO: You encourage loved ones to be themselves. VIRGO: Casual relationships are terrific for your overall mood. When it comes to emotional involvement, sometimes less is more. LIBRA: Because you are so generous, some people will assume that you have oodles of time and money to spend on them. SCORPIO: You'll figure out a loved one's secret. SAGITTARIUS: Avoid anyone who reeks of high maintenance. CAPRICORN: You deserve to be the person of the hour. Go where you get to be the star. AQUARIUS: You are self-supporting and successful -- a real catch. PISCES: A loved one reminds you that you belong somewhere in this big crazy world.

COUPLE OF THE WEEKEND: Leo and Virgo are zodiac neighbors, and both are having a creative streak these days. The sun gives Leo extra charisma and magnetism, while Mercury and Venus give Virgo an abundance of charm and influence. Virgo will have a natural knack for sweet talk, and Leo will feel deserving of adulation. Virgo will get his or her way, and Leo will feel 100 percent satisfied making it happen.

[What's your rising sign?]