Thursday, September 04, 2008

Whiteyton is Mayberry is the upshot

for virgo this week: Pregnant giraffes give birth standing up. Babies arrive in their new environment with a jolt, hitting the ground after plummeting six feet. Although they were fairly safe before, upon leaving the womb they are in danger of being preyed upon by animals like leopards and hyenas, which wouldn't dare attack their giant mothers. I'm thinking there's a resemblance between the newborn giraffes and a new project you're working on, Virgo. Its initial splash into the world may be a bit rocky and fraught with dicey challenges. But I'm here to say that if you're a vigilant caretaker in the early going, it will grow to maturity.

Welp, everything that could go wrong did for a while there w the pipes and etc, but mostly MOVING SUCKS. [Remember the kitchen in West Whateverville? And all that painting? Yeah, like that, w/ the painting and painting . . . ugh.) And every day that I go to work, I have to stop at the old house and continue to clean out a basement full of 100 years of paint cans, like casualties of prior wars rotting away down there, which is making me a bit suicidal. Plus, for some odd reason the new house has no baseboards at all anywhere, like someone ate them off the walls, aaaaaand wow there are a lot of bugs in the country. Spiders that are black and orange and hairy make me nearly pass out when I see one. I have those "pest away" things that you plug in, one in every f'n outlet in the whole downstairs, cringing in my slippers.

BUT, I love it here. The house, the town, the neighbors, all of it - yes Milk-n-Cookies brought cookies, multiple times, and man alive were they tasty! The psycho mailman shakes boxes up next to his ear as he hands them to you, and reads off your letters "You got something here from HSBC and Allstate . . . " Everyone you meet immediately tells you that it's lovely here and everyone is so happy that you're here too now and here have a cookie or something nice, ovvvvver the top alllll the time niiiiiiiiiiice. And I'm so damn tired of this moving process and this summer in general, that I'm thinking that frankly I could use that cookie - ya know? I admit it, I want the cookie - "wa wa, so be nice to me" is a thought I find that I'm often having deep down. I do, I want the bus lady to arrange pick up at my front door bc it'd be easier for me, what with my being on my own and just moving and all (how does she know that? wait, do I care how she knows? no, I don't hahahahahah, gimme the good bus stop, yes I want that, I want the cookie, etc etc). It's like that all the time here, and the more I'm delighted w the niceness factor, like WOW! That's so NICE!, the more people are nice to me. (!)