(the specs are honey bees hiving in her head [and btw there is honey in my walls - same bees])
the shrine of fatima is giant golfball looking thing that you walk into and between two stacked globes of glass are the continents so when you look up you see the earth from the inside, on top of which sits the fatima mary and all around which is a kinda parking lot of saints (concrete, marble, bronze etc) that people have donated over the years in attempts to bless their loved ones or avert disasters already occuring (dying kids and spouses and moms and stuff like that) - I go there to light my candles and hang out with the stoney saints - I probably have nothing to say (about it ft. to you), I'm not really sure
"[nothing] Sweet About Me," Ida Maria
Charlotte Sometimes - "Ex-Girlfriend Syndrome"
damien rice - rootless tree
Mary Lou Lord: Fearless
csny - woodstock
eva cassidy - woodstock
Natalie Merchant: Which Side Are You On?
damien rice - rootless tree
Mary Lou Lord: Fearless
csny - woodstock
eva cassidy - woodstock
Natalie Merchant: Which Side Are You On?
the fray - Over My Head (Acoustic Version)
the five percent - Please Don't