Monday, September 08, 2008

my morning cup of rant

I'm soooo busy that I barely have time to change my underwear. No seriously. So I'm sure the pissed off I'm getting over Palin is reactionary and ill-informed. BUT, if I hear one more time that she oughta stay home and take care of her kids, I'm going to vote Republican, or stay home altogether at the very least. When McCain picked her, I was disgusted by his cynicism. Now I'm even more disgusted by my own party's stupidity. PTA bashing seems just incredibly short-sighted. All across this country, working mothers have dragassed into PTA's to help make sure their kids learn to read in the face of ever decreasing school funding and increasing pervasive apathy about it. etc etc etc etc The liberal unabashed disdain for woman with children and their customary public activities is not a critique of Palin's politics - does anyone not notice the difference?? This morning I heard her referred to as having "too many" kids. FYI, one kid is too many for a university FEMALE professor, thus making me a freak even before you factor my personality. If the angle that the left is using against Palin keeps up, a lot of 25-45 year old professional women with children are going to wonder what the hell liberal feminism has done for them lately . . . wow that 30 minute drive into work listening to talk radio sends me outa the car with a rocket up my ass. GRUMP