Tuesday, September 09, 2008

There are two in particular. I mean, they're all over the place, but two of them are "regulars", almost like pets only DIFFERENT. They are "orb spiders". In general, they have a big fat ass and striped legs and make orb webs daily. "Pippy", named for her striped fuzzy tights, hangs in the dining room picture window dead center and builds some very impressive webs, I gotta admit. She's over an inch, and incredibly active, every day like a Wallenda spinning all over the place. She lives just under a bee's nest that's in the morter of the house, which I must remove but I'm afraid if I do then Pippy will come inside and eat me. Every day, she gets her bee or slow moving blow fly and then takes down the circus.
In the backyard, we have "Herc", short for Hercules, who is a good 2 inches - he has EYES, seems like. (They're probably fangs.) He wants to live on the back door but my mom kept knocking him down (bc I wanted to spray him with Raid) and then he hightails it down a big hole near the edge of the porch. You're never going to believe what he eats:

No seriously, "banana slugs", they're about 2-3 inches long and the big spider drags them across the patio leaving a hijacked slimetrail right down into that hole.

I'm not even mentioning the insiders, which includes a buttgillion daddylonglegs and another kind of black squatty spider that jumps (AND the last one of those I found ON TOP OF one of those plug-in pest-away things [eyeroll]). The longlegs I can tolerate, the jumpers I get with my shoe while I SQUEAL in horror.

I'm trying to think of it all as a rich ecosystem. I'm mostly failing. What eats spiders? Does anyone know? Because unless it's something worse than spiders, I need more of whatever it is.
