Wednesday, August 06, 2008

. . . then I turn around, and some woman with red hair is moving boxes into the downstairs apartment - the roommate we agreed that OJ wouldn't get then re-agreed that she wouldn't get has moved in . . . . I'm sure the redhead is a decent human being, but I don't want to smell her armpits around me when I didn't invite her in here, and I have no control and have to put up with it, because another tenant would be just as bad certainly (since after all, people will befriend and fuck people willy nilly generally speaking without asking my approval, now won't they?) . . . . my problem: I hate people. I try not to, but I just do. I want to like them, but then I get up close and I don't, a situation made worse by the fact that they tend to step on me, a lot, maybe cz I'm short (?) - I don't like what they smell like hardly ever, and rarely like who they're cavorting with, smoking pot and reading Borges to each other ad nauseum as if they're the only people on earth who are smart enough to be profound while they're baked (o pulease), I don't like their sense of entitlement to have room-filling emotions, I don't like them either hating me back or complimenting me either (fuck you ft. get offa me), and don't want them around soooo much sometimes that I don't even want them NOT around as if they're NOT-aroundness is too close to aroundness. I hate this house selling crap, with people trapsing through here multiple times only to offer me less than I want while giving me mini-lectures on the housing market as if I live on the moon and/or am a stupid woman. but if I stop selling it, I turn around and there is OJ and Aidan the Redhead I don't know who apparently is "great" (why?) because she works at Urban Roots and "has had a lesbian lover" (hahahahahah ooo welllll in that case, let me rush to be fine with her living in your [my] pantry) and I'd also have another apartment to rent to another set of HUMANS, which right there will be what I don't like about them. new tenants would be human too, with thus a high stupid bullshit factor I'll have to smile around to get my rent every month while they get dogs without permission if I get lucky and it's not fucking FERRETS, the only god damn things that smell worse than unwanted humans ROAR