Friday, January 19, 2007

Marianne Faithfull – Guilt

Marianne Faithfull is like herself with this vague other flavor (Cayenne? Mick Jagger? Cocoa powder? What??). This song is great too: I thought hmm actually I’m not sure I never stole a scarf from Harrod’s to be honest bc I was 14 when I was there and I do remember paying for the earl grey and I don’t remember even getting a scarf either way, BUT I was a bit of a clepto back then so it is POSSIBLE that I stole a scarf . . . and then I got this little quick-sweaty feeling like I just got caught doing something bad and I’m over here more than a couple of decades removed from a crime I probably didn’t even commit (!). Wacked, la la la.


Meanwhile, on a similar yet very different note, it was really tough to choose, and the opening of “Laying Pipe” is a riot, but “Love Muscle” is my pick for best in show. What’s yours? I suppose I have no defense against the accusation that my ambient playlists sound like porno background now that my favorite mp3 site posted this one, which is fine (fine fine) except that meanwhile on a related yet very different note, my X-father-in-law is the biggest fan of my mixes. (Wacked, la-zzz la-zzz bumpbump bambam wa wa wa.)