Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Apparently I am dangerous. That is a heartening thought. I like the idea of being a scourge! Who wouldn't? And a privileged scourge at that. I'm not only redefining the nuclear family as a single parent institution, changing the contours of home ownership in America, and freaking out religious conservatives in the process (while working for nuns, which if you knew any nuns would not strike you as ironic at all), I have the rare benefit of being able to afford all that AND new shoes (a lot).

I'm a little dubious, though, on it being likely that I ever meet a man who knows how to do laundry AND use a drill. Doubtful. Even ONE of those skills in a man is rare anymore. And I'm not sure about how sexually liberated/satisfied we all are, either. I've personally seen little evidence that women like me are changing men/relationships for the better in any of those ways much (yet?)

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