Friday, January 04, 2013

I went shopping with Sun yesterday. She’s all into pimping the bump vicarious, so off we go to the mall. She’s got this friend, she tells me on the drive - they grew up together, born in the Falls projects together back in the day, and the woman’s parents are dead now so although they’re not close close, Sunnie is sorta like family, at least she’s that long familiar, so the woman tends to call her when she’s in crisis. She became a Muslim, got married, had four kids, and moved to Malaysia last year where her husband has a chiropractor’s office. So she sends Sun a message via facebook whatever, ‘calling the wa-ambulance’, and tells Sunnie that she heard a noise one night and went downstairs to find her husband fucking their maid. She’s very upset. Sunnie listens, incredulous, says to her “Nigger, you got a MAID?!” Every time I think of it, I crack up again.
"Reason to Believe (Bruce cover)," Aimee Mann and Michael Penn
"Faith" (George Michael cover) - Lake Street Dive