Friday, January 29, 2010

WEEKEND LOVE FORECAST: ARIES: Avoid making demands. You'll get what you want with slyly delivered suggestions. You can be so charming when you want to be. TAURUS: It's easy to ask for the world when you don't really care. Refuse to want or need anyone and you'll be in a position to get everything. GEMINI: Trust your loved one. If you can't, then why are you together? CANCER: Put a smile on your loved one's face. You're clever and will find a way. And if you're single, put a smile on the face of the one you want to be your love. LEO: You rival Aquarius when it comes to getting attention. Your gracious acceptance of compliments elevates you in someone's eyes. VIRGO: Resolve what you must within yourself. [give her the time she can transform like optimus prime la la laaaaa] LIBRA: You'll be honored in some way, making you quite attractive to those who would like to be in your position. SCORPIO: You'll be able to build on the good experiences of this weekend. SAGITTARIUS: Someone playful will be an excellent match for you. CAPRICORN: Read and write for pleasure. This will center you and remind you of who you are. Your intelligence is your most attractive quality. AQUARIUS: You are creative and charismatic, and you will steal the scene everywhere you go. PISCES: Your attitude will be contagious, so be sure it's one worth catching.

bonus track: DJ Sat-One - I Can Transform Ya