Friday, January 15, 2010

[i have a beauty mark in my jupiter spot]

Oh my, Virgo! Here it is! The year you've been waiting for. Jupiter, who spends one full year in a sign, will set off for Pisces and your house of one-to-one relationships today, which means you're about to be served a veritable buffet of lovers.
[like Golden Griddle, only different?] Better take those vitamins.

"In terms of your personal life, the vacillation of those around you is getting to you today. The Lovers card holds sway in the emotional sphere today, revealing hesitant and somewhat fickle behavior on the part of your nearest and dearest. All this is very unsettling for you, to the point that where certain people are concerned, you feel as if you’re getting nowhere as neither of you has faith. A word of advice: ignore your doubts and try to communicate."

If you asked me to make you a mix tape that would be conducive for making love to, I wouldn't be in the least surprised. These long January nights are ideal times for you Virgos to be unleashing your dormant passion and sharing volcanic pleasure and exploring the frontier where delight overlaps with wonder. In the compilation of tunes I'd create for you, I'd probably have stuff like "Teardrop" by Massive Attack, "Breathe Me" by Sia, "Supermassive Black Hole" by Muse, and "6 Underground" by the Sneaker Pimps. But I think it's a better idea for you to assemble your own soundtrack.

muse - feeling good (nina simone), I like the tone of this version, a kind of devil may care upbeat what the hell ever there's no sense even trying to make sense typa thing. if I had to sum up the alignment of the stars right now, I'd say: beware of the sense men can whip their minds up into making cz it might make 'no I'm not hungry but I'll take a sandwich' look like a cake-walk
Bloodgroup - My Arms
Jenny Björkqvist - To Heal Your Wounds
Ibrahim Maalouf - Souma Hia
Sneaker Pimps: de herrineringen! Onmisbaar om eens in je leven te beluisteren (Filla Brazilla) remix: 6 Underground. a nice lo-fi mix
Steinski and Mass Media - Let's Play it Cool - I've listened to this a buttgillion times recently, high rec

WEEKEND LOVE FORECAST: ARIES: The love that is intertwined with common interests and compatible personality traits will be lasting. TAURUS: Your strong sense of fairness will help you to see where another person is coming from. GEMINI: Your disposition is kind, but you won't put up with less than you deserve. CANCER: You will alleviate another person's distress -- a beautiful gift. LEO: You care more about the success of a joint activity than you do about your own success. VIRGO: You'll get the chance to follow through on a promise you made long ago. LIBRA: You accept a loved one "as is," and this person blossoms in the warmth of your unconditional love. SCORPIO: A friend connects you with just the person you were looking for. SAGITTARIUS: Your compassion will endear you to one who's had an eye on you. CAPRICORN: Your happiness means everything to someone. AQUARIUS: It is said that love doesn't envy or boast. However, you will have something to be proud of, and loved ones may talk you up or be secretly jealous of your prize. PISCES: Don't get so hypnotized gazing into another person's eyes that you forget to take a moment to look together in the same direction.

bonus, you gotta! check this out if only for the first few seconds of the shoulder shimmies, it's fantastic. and its utter weirdness captures so much: