Saturday, January 10, 2009

for VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). The beautiful part about having problems is whom you become because of them. The ancient philosopher Horace said it best: "Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which, in prosperous circumstances, would have lain dormant."

tonight is the full wolf moon, so named for the howling of wolves half-starved by mid-winter - it goes void of course about at 11:30 pm, after which you have to sit back and appreciate what you already have rather than start anything new. it is the moon of communication, family and (if you have one) dogs - foundational things that remain loyal and that have seen you through to this hungry point, when spring has already begun coming toward you, but you may not feel it yet. you need to hug close what feeds and comforts you, give thanks for the roof over your head and anyone under it with you helping you abide there. this particular wolf moon is in Cancer right now and will be until it is no longer void, at which point Mercury will have gone retrograde (which lasts the next 3 weeks). what that means is two things, related: Cancer is the sign for all things related to feeling-for others probably to whom you are related (or who feel like family); Mercury is the planet of communication, so when it is retro you can't communicate very well and probably should avoid trying, at least verbally. so the upshot is that a full wolf moon, which is about communicating with loved ones to show appreciation for them, while in Cancer will be particularly strong but the retro Mercury will hamper your ability to express yourself in anything but sensual/non-verbal ways. so be quiet. think about your closest friends and family, the people who love you no matter what, reach out and stroke their arms if they are near [or let them stroke yours, depending on temperment] since nobody has ever been ill-served by a cuddle, and/or shovel their walkways etc. if they are far, say a prayer of thanks and protection from want for them, including your ancestors.

working to get into the right frame of mind for this moon, I lit a candle at the feet of Mary then went to do yoga - half way through the class, I suddenly irrationally but totally panicked that I had forgotten to let Jasper in before I left (it is horrible weather here, tons of snow plus "freezing fog" whatever that is) and I went running out of the studio like a loony. when I got home, there he was illicitly curled on my bed as per usual, cold and lazy. I said, "welp that put everthing else into perspective now didn't it?" as he settled at my feet.