Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Theory: if you (any person, that is) belonged to a context (a ‘world view’, so to speak) in which there was not interpersonal violence, then in your language, words would be free of such violence and they’d run around in your head like little suffering-free buddhas and you could take your pick of em willy nilly whenever you had anything to say to anybody without fear of lurking potentially harmful or annoying consequences. [I am looking for a way to test this theory.]

update, for virgo: With the help of a Norwegian space facility, the Frito-Lay company has used radar to beam a commercial for its Doritos tortilla chips to 47 Ursae Majoris, a star 42 light years away. Astronomers believe that habitable planets circle the star, so any creatures living there will eventually get an invitation to enjoy the crunchy corn goodness that so many earthlings have sampled. I'm making this vignette your metaphor of the week, Virgo. May it inspire you to formulate an "advertisement" for yourself and your specialties that will spread far and wide, reaching a new audience and activating your future potentials.
Huh. A way to let people know on other planets that I have crunchy corn goodness. Why didn't I think of that? I'll be sure to "spread far and wide", the news that is, now that I know my potentialities might reside on Ursae Majoris, where they might speak a language that I can translate and the utterances don't all seem to mean Not Much.