Friday, October 17, 2008

bonus track - Middleman (web) -The Things We Fear

I should remember to link to websites and to put buy-it links with artists bla bla. I figure there aren't enough people paying attention to me to bother with it. But I know this guy, he runs the music store in town, so you should probably buy shit from him or whatever you're supposed to do so I don't feel bad about ripping the song here. It's listed incorrectly in the playlist on that site, so consider this proofreading rather than illegitimate file sharing whatever. (And if anyone can figure out how to get the cover of Heart of Gold off his other site . . ? . I think you need a myspace page for that, and I just can't go there. Obviously I'm doing a little better w/the 'being open to people thing' if I know this guy and some others in town at all, but I'm not ready to be "friended". [Or NOT either - friending, not-friending, any verb form of the noun 'friend' makes me squint and hold my breath.])

Anyway, I like that store - you can rant about the election in there, for instance. If I had a buck for every time someone has lowered their voice and said to me "I wouldn't say this to everyone around here . . . " followed by a confession of liberal leanings, I'd have about $5 so far and I've only met about 5 people. I like that I occasion such confessions from Whiteytonians - in Buffalo, I hardly stood out as someone to whom you could entrust a rant. On the subject of the debate, I'm with MusicGuy that the funniest moment was about autism, as if that's close enough to down's syndrome cz hey a retard is a retard. And yeah, what's with McCain's eyeballs? I feel like I'd like Hugh Laurie to enlighten me as to what all that might be a symptom of - ?? How does 'little white man syndrome' manifest in the nervous system as eyeball popping? Is that physical code for "God Damn It! God Damn It!" - ??

If that little bastard pulls a Truman, I'm going to find myself having to pray for the health of him lest that Alaskan Lunatic gets behind the wheel - I like the world to be upside down, but NOT LIKE THAT.